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"Three beautiful young witches in my presence. Tell me, what are you names?"

"Wednesday Addams."

"Phoenix Blackheart."

"Emily Puregood."

"Emily Puregood? Strange name for a girl in the dark arts."

"My mother didn't want me to take the 'wrong path', but that's not the point right now. We need-"

"Hush, girl. If you want to keep your tongue, I advise you to keep silent!" His booming voice echoed through the palace. The girls flinched, but showed no signs of fear. "I know why you've come, but this is my living place. What I say goes and I don't want to talk about that now."

"Go on." Phoenix curtly nodded.

"Well, as you should know, to get something from me I need a pure hearted peace offering."

"Yes, we know, my lord." Wednesday started digging through her bag for the offering the girls were to give.

She walked up to the foot of his throne and placed everything before him: Rubies, onyx, jade, a pouch of adder's fork, and a jar of newt eyes.

Wednesday stepped back next to her friends while he examines the peace offering.

"Hmm...from the three of you, I was expecting more quality." With a wave of his hand, the items before him vanished.

"Our apologies. It was best we could do on such short notice." Emily bowed.

"Not good enough. I need something really pure, untouched. Something I can make impure." He smirked. He studied each of the girls, looked at their hearts and minds. The witches were uncomfortable at the way he was looking at them.

"We have to go." Wednesday murmured to the others.

"Why?" Emily pondered.

"We just have to. I saw what he's planning to do..." Wednesday shuttered.

"You." He pointed to Emily. "You're the purest and I want you." He stepped down from his throne, and made his way toward the now frightened girl.

He was very menacing looking. Tall, dark, mysterious... Just about everyone in the room was afraid of him. Even from time to time, he was afraid of himself. He always pushed it away, though. He was doing what was right in the eyes of the ancestors.

"Link arms with me now!" Phoenix shouted. Wednesday and Emily grabbed on to her arm and they all backed up. Phoenix snapped her fingers, and the world around her and the others froze. "Adeos!"

They were all back in the neighborhood park, arms still linked. They were back in Salem, Oregon. Home, sweet home.

"We don't have much time. We must relocate, or he will find us. He'll obviously check here first. We must stay together. We'll go home, gather necessary items, give our goodbyes to our families, and leave. Pheonix, we'll go to your place first." Wednesday instructed.

It was obvious she meant business. She knew what she saw in the future wasn't good. She knows it won't be good now that they've changed what was going to happen. But she knew if they stayed, terrible things that she never wanted to think about would happen.

"What did you see? Why did we have to leave?" Emily asked and they ran to Phoenix's.

"Don't be stupid, Em. Didn't hear what he said? He wanted you." Phoenix snapped.

"Oh." Emily finally grasped everything. "What's going to happen to us, now that we've left and with the Witch Hunter on everyone's tail?"

"The worst."

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