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The two headed out just before 12 noon. Alfred promised a treat, and Kiku promised a surprise. But Kiku was confronted with an even bigger surprise- and he wouldn't like it at all.

"Where are we going first?" Alfred spoke up, looking around and instinctively smiling at everyone who passed. He didn't get many smiles back, which was when he would direct his attention back to the path ahead of him.

"The temple." The Asian replied, sighing lightly as he shut his eyes momentarily. There was a moment of silence between the two, since Alfred couldn't find anything else to say and Kiku already had other things on his mind. The morning sun above illuminated the city, making the buildings seem golden. Alfred let out a content sigh, glancing down at his and Kiku's feet walking side-by-side before trying to think of how to break the ice. But before he could even speak, Kiku was too quick.

"Alfred," he began, swallowing and looking up at him. Alfred hummed softly, looking up- well, down- at the other. Kiku pursed his lips, his eyebrows furrowing. It was as if he had forgotten what he was going to say. He then remembered, smiling quietly.

"I wanted to thank you. No one's ever done anything like this for me... And it's nice to do something for my birthday. "

Alfred's lips crept into a smile and he chuckled, waving a hand. "I'm only doing what a decent person would do... but, you know, would you like to thank your hero with a little something?" He asked sweetly, grinning and leaning down, his cheek pointed to Kiku. The Asian rolled his eyes and smiled, pushing Alfred's cheek away. "You're only doing what a decent person would do."

"Damn." The American hissed, grinning. After what seemed like endless minutes of walking, they started up the rocky path and stairs leading to the temple. Kiku let out a faint sigh and stepped up the slabs of smooth rocks piled on each other, which served as stairs. The other hurried close behind, marveling at the stone temple. Silence fell among the two again, and this time, no one spoke. Alfred analyzed the several designs carved into the stones- suns, spirals, and elephants, along with profiles of Buddha. Alfred turned to Kiku, ready to ask him about the symbols. Though the other moved forward into the temple, nearly empty with the exception of a few stone tablets with writing and unlit candles. Kiku looked around before taking a long matchstick and matchbox, striking it until a tiny flame hissed and lit up. Kiku carefully lit all the candles before blowing the stick out and setting it back where he found it. He kneeled down in front of the stone tablets, shutting his eyes and drawing a shaky breath before bowing down. He spoke to himself softly, in a tongue Alfred couldn't recognize. But the American enjoyed watching Kiku do something traditional like this, and somehow, Kiku entranced him with every move.

If it hadn't been obvious already, Alfred has eyes for Kiku. With his happy personality, he can get away with tiny things like kisses on the cheek and holding hands, but never once has Kiku let him steal a kiss on the lips. Alfred would teasingly tell him 'I love you' every once in a while, as well. Alfred always hoped Kiku thought he really meant it- Kiku would silently hope he didn't.

But it wasn't a one-way street- Kiku wasn't straight. And though he already sold his love to a Greek man named after a god, he was slowly growing closer to Alfred. Not in love, of course, but it was still something very special. Kiku only invited his sister to his house, but didn't even let her see his room- now, at requested times and special occasions, Kiku and Alfred will sleep together like two struggling kittens. They shower together, cook together, and spend most- if not all- their time discovering new ideas and trying new things- together.

And still, Alfred wonders why he can't have one little kiss on the lips.

It was a bit of an inappropriate time to be thinking about these things as Alfred watched Kiku pray. This was a sacred place, and- atheist or not- Alfred knew he should at least try being respectful.

Of course, that's when nature decided to whisper, 'Cue the rude phone call!'

Alfred's phone began to ring loudly, echoing in the temple. Alfred turned pale and winced, trying to take his phone out before dropping it, making another loud echo. "Sorry!" Alfred cried, this time echoing so loudly that the candles blew out. Kiku remained silent, still in his bowing position before he slowly sat up, turning to Alfred calmly. The American expected to be yelled at, slapped, or cursed by angry gods. Instead, Kiku kindly asked him to answer his phone far away so he could continue meditating. Alfred nodded quickly and made his way down the hill, mentally repeating 'You're an idiot! You're an idiot!' before answering the phone.


"First Lieutenant Jones..."

Alfred shivered a moment and froze. "Lieutenant General Houston..."

There was a soft sigh on the other side of the line and Alfred gripped the phone tighter. "Sir?"

"Jones, things aren't getting any better."

Alfred had to laugh a moment, despite the graveness in the other's voice. "Ain't it jolly how to world works?"

Houston remained silent, which made Alfred turn pale as he lowered his voice. "Sir, just tell me what you need, I'll do whatever-"

"I need you to come immediately to the base, Alfred. We have to talk over dinner."

Alfred's hand tightened even more about his phone, swallowing. "Sir, I'm currently in Japan."


"I came with a friend who is a native... I'm sorry, sir, I'll fly over immediately."

"I want you here by tonight, son!"

Alfred winced and pulled the phone back slightly. "Sir, that would be impossible..."

"Is that why you joined the Air Force? To serve in what you can, then just drop out and go on a little vacation with your girlfriend?"

"He's not my-"

"Did you say 'he'?"

"Sir, what's so important that you need my back so soon?" Alfred interrupted, hoping the answer wouldn't be what he was thinking.

Through the entire conversation, Kiku was listening. He tried to meditate, but it was a bit diffcult cancelling an American's voice. So he silently listened to Alfred's half of the conversation as he sat in front of the tablets, pretending to pray. He, however, was concerned at Alfred's tone getting more and more concerned with each reply. He didn't know who this 'sir' was, but whoever it was, he had to be important from the way Alfred submitted to everything. His ear perked at the mention of a friend, then girlfriend. Kiku flustered, knowing they were talking about him.

Kiku continued to listen until Alfred eventually fell into another long period of silence, followed by the crunching of grass by footsteps. Kiku quickly returned to his bowing position, shutting his eyes. Alfred's footsteps drew closer until he was towering above Kiku. The Asian smiled innocently. "Yes?"

"Kiku, we need to talk."


"About the conversation you were eavesdropping me on."

Kiku winced. 'So he knew all along'. He took Alfred's offered hands and rose to his feet, looking at the American intensely.

He knew something was wrong the moment he saw Alfred's eyes drain of their color. He knew something was very wrong when Alfred hesitated to speak and struggled to tell Kiku was going on. And he knew something was ultimately wrong when Alfred leaned down and kissed Kiku's lips powerfully, refusing to let go as if tomorrow wouldn't come.

Maybe it wouldn't come.


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