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For a long time, Kiku went to sleep late.

They told him that in New York, he could be a new man. Start a new life. Start a new career. Start a new family, if he wanted to. And Kiku had many intentions... Many plans he thought of once he stepped on the plane from quiet Kyoto to boisterous New York. And he undoubtedly was culturally shocked.

All his money somehow went from familiar faces to the faces of green men in wigs staring blankly up at him.

It was all far too much. In fact, he spent the first 3 days locked up in his apartment stressing. But today, he mustered up all his courage. He couldn't keep hiding. New York was going to be his home for a long time now... He needed to dress, talk, and act like a native. He wore a trench coat to blend in and left to take a walk. But when he was on his way to 5th Avenue, that was when it hit him...

New York is a cold, cold place.

"Please, sir, I have a wife and kids! Any penny you can give me can feed my children for another day!" called one begger, trembling as his fingers turning purple with the pre-winter temperatures. Kiku, with his generosity, couldn't stand seeing him like that and handed him a $10 bill, along with his gloves.

"Take care of yourself." He said quietly, frowning before walking away. The begger trembled and nodded. "Y-Yes! God bless you, young man!"

Only minutes later, a motionless body sat on the cement sidewalk, her back pushed up the side of a graffitied, abandoned home. She held a cardboard sign that read 'Homeless and disabled- any loose change helps' and beside her, an old and dirty McDonalds cup with a few nickels and pennies, maybe a quarter or two. Kiku bit his lip roughly and looked both ways before dropping another $10 bill.

Kiku was beginning to grow uncomfortable. New York hadn't given him a very nice 'welcome' ever since he had arrived...

Once he began making his way into the urban and crowded area of the city, the temperature seemed to warm up. Perhaps it was the body heat from the sweaty man next to him or the lost toddler crying for her mother.

Either way, he began growing even more nervous, despite the positive change in the weather. He was making his way through large crowds of loud people, touching him or brushing against him. At one point, he felt his rear be slapped. He began desperately looking for an escape. There were too many people pressed against him...

After what seemed like an hour, he spotted a fairly-empty sushi shop in the corner, pushing the door open and squeezing in, gasping for a fresh breath. There was only one worker there, wiping down the counter. It caught her attention as she looked up, frowning.

"We're closed, can't you Asians read?" She asked harshly, pointing at the sign outside the door. Once Kiku caught his breath, he looked over his shoulder. "... Closed until midnight." He read it quietly, then looked at his watch. 11:53.

"I have 7 minutes and 10 dollars in my pocket... Can I buy something?"

The lady slowed down slightly and looked up at him, frowning deeply before sighing and splating the rag on the counter, drying her hands and disappearing into the back. She returned with a hair cap on and some gloves, pointing up at the menu. "What'd ya want?"

Kiku bit his lip and looked up. "I'll take the Nigiri rolls." He spoke, pulling out his final $10 bill and handing it to her. Within a few minutes, the Asian sat down and silently ate, looking through the glass windows at the crowds of people. He didn't belong here- he wanted to go back home.

His eyes welled up slightly before he held the tears back and only concentrated on the sushi rolls. He looked down hungrily before realizing it was all gone. He sighed and stood up, throwing his trash away. "Do you know any shops like these accepting new workers?"

The lady removed her hair cap and gloves, before looking up at him and giving him an look  that expressed confusion. "You really can't read, can you? Look at the window, it has a poster that says 'workers wanted'. If you're willing to apply, I'd accept you. We're in quite some need for employees and have scarce food being produced each day."

"You must get a lot of customers since it's the heart of the City..." Kiku spoke quietly, buttoning his coat up again and throwing his scarf on.

"This place used to always be occupied. We were a hot shot around here. But I'm not sure what happened, people just stopped coming.... I actually joined the crew a few years back. Within months, they promoted me to the manager. They were just that desperate."

Kiku nodded and listened attentively, standing still. The lady sighed quietly and pulled her hair into a ponytail. "Look, boy, you get on your way. This city gets shady at night, you don't wanna get lost."

"Yes, ma'am." He nodded and bowed slightly, causing her to wave her hand.

"No need for that bowing nonsense, I ain't no queen."

Kiku looked up at her and bit his lip, nodding. When he turned to leave, she interrupted again.

"I'll interview you tomorrow. Come 'round at high noon."

"High noon?"

"12:00 p.m." She sighed quietly, chuckling.  "We'll teach you how things get done in the Big City..."


To be continued...

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