Mississippi dreams

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The Summer of 1850 in Jackson, Mississippi

I was feeding May in the dinner room she so cute with her little red cheeks and her big nose looking just like Mrs. Thomas her mom. She love pancake and eggs for lunch that what I fixed right up for her she ate in a hurry so she went right outside to go play with the neighbor's boy. I cleared the table and wash the dishes Master Thomas came with his son Carter into the kitchen called my name Kyrsten I got a job for you, yes Sir I answer. Well how would you like to go up North? I would love to Master Thomas, well you go pack your and Carter's bags. I was so happy to see something different, but I know it just to drop off the cotton to Mrs.Herry's factory. I went up to Carter's room to pack his things I went into his room he was fight with his girlfriend Jenny. I step out real fast and overhear Jenny told him that she want to be marry on Sunday he said hell no! Why[al1] carter she said Jenny I don't even know if I really love you,but doesn't matter to me long as we are together she said .I knock on the door he told me to come in Master Thomas told me to pack your bag for the trip I said oh yeah he said his goodbye to his girlfriend . I started to pack his bags as always Carter brushing my hair and playing in it he telling me how much he wanted to broke up with Jenny .I told him she love you with every inch of her body why not be with her . You just don't know how she is Kyrsten he said like she want to spend all my free time with her ,she greed money always on her mind ugh make me sick.Well maybe it's a thing us girls go thought right I said ,but the funny thing is that you're the only I can be true too he said .Im a slave Carter we don't have much to hide I said with a smirk so don't even get the idea that you like me cause I be hanging from a tree. Kyrsten you remember when we was five I told you I love you, yes I remember I said. How about I still feel the same way he look at me with his grey eyes and I laugh to kill to mood boy you crazy. I might be he said he push me on the floor Carter this isn't the time nor is it the place to be playing around I told him.I got up finish packing his bag he kept threw things at me so I can come lay with him how funny I said. Well Master Carter im finish pack for your trip he laughed you must lay with me till the morning he said I just ignore him and left. I saw Mrs. Thomas happy as ever going to the barn well I know she be messing with

[al1]Allen, he the best looking male slaves out here. Mrs. Thomas was Master third wife she really young with sun kiss tan skin and long blonde hair ,curvy body ,pretty ocean eyes .She the nicest wife Master had she was really fair and sweet always smiling that was Master trophy wife . I made back to my little house took my clothes off cause it was hot out here so I laid on my pad on the floor. I wake up in the middle of the night with a knock on my door I was a little scared to open the door so I peek through the door. Um just my luck it's Carter I open the door forgot that I was nude oops ...I run to threw something over my body .You look nice he said with a smile right cause im nude doesn't mean it was for you he laughed at me . Carter what do you want come here in the middle of the night he answered me I need some advice about how to be in love with the wrong person. What do you mean Carter some things take time so give it time for you and Jenny to work out things. What if I am in Love with someone who is different he asked well Carter people see things wrong with you loving someone different I responded.I know god will accept us being together so putting all things aside I love you n I want you that all really hate see you be call ugly names he told me. I just smile never heard a white man say that, Carter I, I, I love you but you belong with Jenny Sun that's your future wife she have big money I said rolled my eyes ,shut up he said kiss me softly .i look into his big grey eyes Carter we can't keep doing this every time you're mad at Jenny .Carter you hear me right, if you truly love me marry Jenny make your Daddy happy No! He said .Why do this come up in your head that me and Jenny need get marry ,I would hate to be marry to her Carter replied .So you rather be with a filthy nigger to be with a pretty southern belle like Jenny I said .Jenny don't have your silky skin and she don't have hips, kissable lips he said. Well Carter I have a big day in head of me see you in the morning um No he said Im laying with you .Carter you know if the overseer caught me lay down with i will get whip to death so please Carter fine he said.

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