The Baby?

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Well let get going Carter  it get dark  he start kiss my neck softly okay he say. It was fun the ride up there laughing at Carter being silly and trying to braid my hair. Finally, we made it to the factory we pull up I fix my clothes and hair. I unloaded the cotton and the food Mrs. Harry walk past me smile. She gave Carter a lot of money he smile walk back to the wagon I got in the back and we left.


                Well we pull over to clean up my dad can smell slaves really good, I think to myself I use hate niggers too. I never been mean to Kyrsten she way different than those other niggers she smart and cute, funny too. I use to love Jenny but I guess we grew apart she always get mad at me cause I think she mean. I love Jenny in a way we been together 2 years my dad want us to get marry ugh I just can’t. Jenny don’t want kids she hate the idea of it but jenny is tall, red long hair, dark blue eyes she a catch in a way. She so skinny like a bone but she eats like a fat man I guess I can see myself with Jenny. We got back my father argue with my step mother as always I don’t know why in the hell they tied the knot. Here come my beloved Jenny with her hair curled with a pretty smile on her face Carter baby, why is that negro staring at you she asked baby you how those dumb nigger are I said .Jenny baby you look amazing I kiss her deeply. Let’s go to room and make love she said that sound great honey but I’m bit tired I said rejected her. Okay baby let take a nap together she said I nod and head upstairs lying next to my wife to be. I wake up it was still night walk down the stairs to check on Kyrsten she was in the corner crying. What’s wrong Kyrsten?   I.I.I gave myself to you like a fool she said Kyrsten just happen we got in that mode. Wow I’m just a doll than how about you leave me alone and let me be a house nigger she said.  I grew with anger and hit Kyrsten until I see blood I stop there was a pond of blood under her .she crying I’m sorry it’s okay Master I leave now just pregnant with your baby  she said as she walk  away that couldn’t be true I think maybe  so I think to myself. The next day I kept asking  her she keep saying Master us niggers is not allowed to talk to you like that .Weeks passed her stomach got bigger and round it was hard for her to bend down I kept my eye on her so she wouldn’t fall or anything. Kyrsten I need to talk to you I dragged her in the closet what do you want Master Carter?  You Kyrsten I want to be in our child life I said. She laugh at my answer no Carter my child is a slave why do you want father that she said with a smirk. Just do me a favor you don’t know me okay she said coldly I pulled her into my chest and kiss her she push me away and walk off. Months past she was huge I wondering what she having eat less so she can have my leftover. My father always being such an ass like throwing things on the ground tell Kyrsten to pick it up know that it’s hard for her. I went down stairs to see Kyrsten sit on the bed with another man slave talking and laughing. Kyrsten I need to talk to you now I said loudly Yes Master the male slave said as he was leaving. What do you want Master Carter she said with a smirk I want to be in my child life okay we need to work thing out I said . Carter I’m not about to be your play doll why don’t you go be with your girlfriend treat me like nothing again she said. Nope can’t do that I love you do that not mean nothing to you I said. Wow you do how so funny I am with another slave that will father my kids so don’t worry yourself about me or my unborn child she said. I want you I miss your kisses and smile, body, laughter, your eyes, the way you say my name I told her.

                                The winter Kyrsten still pregnant with my child waiting on it to come should be coming in the spring. She one bright nigger I think to myself her with Tim a field nigger I grew mad. I’m getting merry soon to Jenny we have been spent all my time with her it just been feeling like suffocated by her.  Head down to the kitchen to eat me something I yelled at to bring me something to eat . She made me a ham sandwich I slapped her hard sorry Master Carter Kyrsten said .she was shaking what wrong with your dumb-ass nigger she nothing Master Carter she said.


                                I hated him more and more as I grew with his child I feel used and played letting a white fool me with dreams. I learn again I’m a nigger that won’t be nothing more so I stay in my place. Part of me hated myself for still in love with that evil man how could I like someone who beat me. I smile to see my baby kick maybe he not so evil after all we did put in love to make this baby.

                                Everyday my baby kick at all time of the day the only reason for my smiles and can’t to hold he or she. I just turn 17 hopefully I can settle down with a handsome man I can call my husband. Heard a knock on my door well guess who is it Carter I open it can I please you Master? He kiss me for a long time I pull him to my bed lay got on top of him kissing on his neck. I stop myself what I am doing, Master I sorry for that ugh shut with that shit he said and kiss me. Don’t never get mad at me again I want you okay he said, Carter you getting marry to that bitch I said. He laugh are you mad huh but you don’t care he said good night baby I said kissing him.

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