Does it hurt

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Do you ever imagine when ever someone says something certain to you, no matter how harsh, a knife is impaling you and it stays there?

Well I'm at the point where there's no more room for any more knives but they keep coming.

I've lost sight on everything for something else and I feel burning, I'm burning and falling. It aches and it's cold.

I'm not who I used to be, I can't go back, its a little too late now.

I'm hurting and wrapping in bandages but it doesn't help.

Someone had told me to forgive and forget, but it hurts too.

Welp *grabs tacos* Mr. Taco time is over *opens door* until next time *burns script for this piece of writing*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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