Chapter 15

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"Sweetheart!" My mom was in her living room, reading a book, when I appeared. I didn't lose my balance this time, but the Bifrost still took a lot out of me.

"Merry Christmas mom." I hugged her as she rushed up. I had kind of missed my mom. If I was honest, I forgot about earth while I was in Asgard. Every so often, the thought of my mom came up, and she was the only reason I came back to earth. I knew eventually, my mom wouldn't be here anymore. I knew I would live longer than her, just by being Halfling and by being on Asgard. It was sad, but it was the way of life.

"How are you? How I are things going in Asgard?" She spoke rapidly. My mom had always been a fast talker. "Oh, I'm so happy you're home!"

I laughed. "I am doing fine mom. Things are going great."

"Come, sit down. I've made gingerbread cookies." She sat me down on the couch, while bustling to the kitchen. "I thought I'd make some for you. I just had a feeling you would come home."

I smiled to that. "I'm going to go change." I told her. I got up and walked to my room, looking around. It was the same as it was before I left: Purple comforter on the bed, my bulletin board full of random pictures of stuff I found inspiring, bookshelf filled, closet a bit messy. I opened the closet more to pull out a pair of skinny jeans, a grey tank top and a long knit green sweater. I put on some socks too, remembering that it was cold here. "What day is it mom?" I called to her as I changed. I was very curious to know. I lost track of the date at some point in Asgard.

"It's the twenty-fourth sweetie." She called back. So I had made it just on time. Perfect. I finished changing and heard the telephone ring. My hearing was definitely sharper since being on Asgard. I was nosey, so I kept listening in. I could hear a male voice on the other line.

"James! I'm glad you called." I heard my mom say, lowering her voice. "I'm afraid we're going to have to cancel tonight. My daughter just surprised me by coming home for Christmas...yes...yes...Well, I don't know how long she plans on staying...we can always go out the day after tomorrow...alright. See you then James." I could tell by her tone of voice that this James wasn't just anybody on the phone.

I walked out quietly, before creeping up to my mom in the kitchen. It had been something I used to do when I realised just how quiet I could be. "Who's James?" I asked, in a normal volume, since it was so quiet.

My mom jumped a bit, before shaking her head, smiling. "I've gotten used to you not doing that." She offered me a plate of cookies. I took one, biting into it. It was delicious, spice and sugar.

"Who's James?" I repeated.

She sighed. "James is a man I've started seeing." She smiled, and I could tell she liked him. I used to get upset when Christi, my mom's friend, used to try and get her to start dating again. That was back when I figured my father would come back to live with us. I knew my parents loved each other, but I wasn't old enough to know that it was okay for my mom to move on. She shouldn't have to spend the rest of her life alone because my father couldn't stay.

I was happy for her. "If you were supposed to go out with him tonight, its fine mom. I do not mind much." I could stay in and pick out the books I wanted to bring back to Asgard.

"Have you noticed you go from speaking formally to speaking normally?" My mom said, chuckling.

"Loki tends to point it out." I said casually. I wonder what Loki is doing right now, I thought.

"Who's Loki?" She asked, her interest piquing. Great, I thought, now I have to tell her about him. Not that I minded talking about Loki, but I didn't want too much coming the fact that I liked him.

As one. Always. (A Loki fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now