Magic Ponies...

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A/N-soooooo cute 😍😍😍

Sophie Pov

Silence......complete Silence.


My daddy was at work and I was at Daycare surrounded by boredom.

My daddy doesn't hate me right?

I don't think he knows about how the daycare Puts me in Closets For basically the Whole day.

I don't think he knows that They starve me until the last 5 minutes before he comes to pick me up.

I don't think he knows that....they hit me for no reason and push me on the ground....

I don't think he knows because They Told me not to tell him.

Peter Pov

Booooooorreeeedddd I thought I had to come to work to Do some Action Like Take photos of myself and stuff.

But no.

I just gotta do some paperwork. Note the sarcasm.


"Peter? Hey Peter?"

"Yes Woman? What do you want?"

"Well if you wanna stay here be my guest but you've been Sitting here for over 6 hours staring into space when your shift ended 2 hours ago"

"6 HOURS!?"

"Yes that's what I said right?"


"Yea yea sure not like you don't even know my name or anything...."

I ran out of the building I worked in and Got in my car.

I almost immediately pulled off in to the middle of the street an inch from being in a crash.

I was freaking 2 hours late to pick up Sophie from Daycare What Kind of father am I?

I hope they don't mind.

I got to the daycare and walked up to the door.

I was about to knock but I noticed the door was open already.

My Spidey Senses didn't go off just yet so I knew nothing was wrong.

I walked inside and there was nobody their a couple books on the floor here and there and to-wait a minute.

Please tell me that's Jelly or Juice on the Floor and Wall.

I touched The Splatter or the Hopefully Juice on the Wall.

It's to thick too be Juice and it's Too watery to be jelly.

Oh Dear God.


I ran through the daycare Facility Screaming out Names. Panicking like I Had Just Lost A winning lottery ticket.

"Sophie!? SOPHIE!? ANYONE!?"

I opened door after door. Nothing.

I ran outside to the back to see Sophie Sitting On the Swing Alone But something else caught my Attention.

There's blood rolling down her arm.

Sophie Pov

I was reading a couple books trying not to aggravate the Daycare Owners There was only a Couple Kids Left.

None of them my friends though.

That's when The Book I was reading well trying to not really understanding just looking at the pictures was snatched out of my hands.

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