Funtime Foxy

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 I think I hit the ground pretty hard, because I couldn't move or breath. Until one moment when my eyes slowly started to open and I had control of myself again, I can move. "what happened, last thing I remember was.." I said aloud. the last thing I remembered was when someone was in trouble, and I couldn't save them, i'm having trouble trying to remember, it hurts to think about. I was glad no one was around to hear me in my confusion. I decided to get up and move around, try to remember what happened before all of this. I heard a loud clank sound as my hand hit the floor, that's when I finally look'd down to see me in my own pool of blood and that I wasn't myself anymore. I got up and ran down hallways trying to find something like a mirror. something from behind me had touched me and I turned around quickly. Nothing was there, turning back around I heard something hit the wall, at that moment, I had a sudden urge to look at myself carefully. I was some sort of fox, so the thing that touched me and hit the wall was.. "I have a tail? what am I." I knew what I was, I just wanted to say that. I started running for some reason, trying to get away from all of this, until I ran into somebody. We both fell and i hit my head again, I winced in pain. "hey watch where your going!" that voice sounded some what familiar to me, it almost reminded me of what happened before I woke up. "you should watch where your going," I said, I didn't even think those words would come out of my mouth, but it did. I'm surprised that I didn't try run, or scream that there was even someone else in the same building, I acted like this was all normal. The thing I bumped into was a girl, and she had some random stuff in her hands. "sorry, I didn't mean to sound mean, I used to be really nice.. hey, you sound familiar, and you are just like me." "I am? Oh yeah, I forgot that I was.. this." in the few seconds that passed I actually forgot I was a fox. the girl i was talking to was in a girl robot body. She had orange pigtails and a dress. "I bet your one of my friends, are you Carlos or Jason?" she asked me. I wasn't sure who she was talking about. "who?" she paused for a second, "do, you remember me?" I just stared at her, nothing rung a bell. "I'm Charlie.." I sat there, in my mind sparks of my memory slowly started coming back to me. "Charlie...  I think I remember." the name that popped up in my head was Jason. "I'm Jason." she stopped looking worried and seemed happy. "Jason, its good to see you again. Do you know where the others are?" "What others?" Charlie stared at me wondering why I was acting so strange. "Why can't you remember anything? Did you, loose your memory..?" she seemed sad again and my head started hurting again because I was trying to think of the past again. "What happened to me before this, was I always a fox?" "No, you were a human like me. You were one of my best friends." my mind was everywhere with all the words she was saying. What is she talking about? i don't remember her, we just met. "Listen, I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong, uh, animactronic.." "come with me Jason, I'm trying to come up with a plan." "A plan? For what?" She looked around and made sure no one was lurking. I wanted to question that, it's not like there is a lot of people here trying to spy on us. "I'm making a plan of revenge. On the guy who killed us. We need to find the others to, so we can plan this together, did you see any other robots?" I thought for a second. Revenge, on who? What others? She is crazy. "No, I haven't.." "Come on, let's go find them, maybe we can try to help your brain remember everything that happened before." We started to walk around and she kept asking me questions and seeing if it triggered my memory of whatever happened. I kind of just kept walking, everything she says seems all very new to me. Then I thought, but not too hard or my head would start to give up on me. From earlier when I woke up today, on the floor with blood surrounding my head, maybe everything she is saying to me IS true, so that means.. I might have, amnesia. "ow!" at the thought of that my head started to hurt again, holding my hands up to my head, Charlie, the girl next to me looked confused, waiting for me to tell her whats happening. "... When I try to think my head starts to hurt, like this." "Wait, does that mean you remember what happened, or who you are?" "No, i'm still confused on everything. But i was able to think and get something right.." she paused and waited for me to finish what i was saying. "That I have amnesia." she didn't seem surprised at that, "Really? I've been saying that and trying to help you with curing it since we met here, were you even listening to me?" "No.." we walked in complete silence after that. But I* kept trying to remember anything that happened before I woke up, without hurting myself trying to. Suddenly I felt an arm stop me from moving forward. "Hey, what gives?" "shhh" said Charlie, I stood there waiting for an explanation for this, then I heard something in the halls. "Did you hear that?" "Yeah, I did," "Do you think it might be the others?" "maybe, there is only one way to find out." we both took another step to the hallway, standing right in front of two other animactronics. A ballerina and a bear with a bunny puppet on its hand. "Charlie, Jason?"

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