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Now my escape can begin.
I walked over to the guard lying still on the floor. He is shorter than I am, so I have to find a way to look just like him without looking suspicious.
I took off some of my wires from my body to see if I could make myself the same height as him.
After a few minutes of measuring I finally climbed into my new human suit and started to test it by walking around and putting a smile on my face.
"Perfect," I say to myself. But then I heard voices coming from outside of the room, being here so long helped me realise who they were instantly.
The door unlocked and opened, revealing two men, the janitor and manager. The manager looked angry at me as he looked at the scooper then walked up to me, "What were you thinking entering this room?! It clearly says that this room is dangerous and not to enter! You could have gotten yourself killed!"
He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room and tells the janitor to lock it back up.
"Sorry sir, I thought I saw something important in there, but I guess it was nothing. I won't do it again." I say in a scared voice to pull off the act.
"No, you won't do it again. And to make sure of it, you're also fired!" He said while pointing at me. I tried not to show a grin on my face once he said that, "Oh man, what will I do now.. Oh well, I'll just leave now." I pushed passed the manager already knowing which directions to take to get out of this place. When I reached the doors, I slowly opened them to be greeted by the darkness of the night. I took my first step out of the nightmare that I've been trapped in for years. I started laughing to myself as I kept walking away from the building, "I'm finally free!" I say out loud, then saw a child and a mom stairing at me, as she pulled her kid with her away from me. "Oh that's right. I have to act normal now. What do humans even do?" I looked around at the cities and streets that could lead me anywhere. Lucky for me, I made a tracking device a few days ago and attached it to the guard so I can see where he lives. I didn't mention it to the others cause what they were participating in wasn't the real plan.
I started walking in the direction of his home, and I started thinking. I also seen him go into a closed down place, called Fazzbears pizzeria, I wonder why he goes there if it's closed..
I have plenty of time left on my hands to go check it out, I changed directions and headed straight to Fazzbears pizzeria.
When I got there I saw the building all boarded up, with a sign at the door saying 'closed'.
I peeked inside of the glass door, it was really dark but I could see tables, arcade games and three animactronics on a stage.
"Two of those robots look a lot like Funtime Freddy and his little puppet.. But his puppet has his own body.. Why is Funtime Freddy brown? And who is that chicken?" They all looked old and wored out.
I broke the boards that were keeping the door closed, and walked inside. Dust hit my face and napkins and posters took over the floor. I walked up to the three animactronics on stage, were they alive too?
I decided not to check and kept moving to see the rest of the place.
As I was walking I saw a closed curtain surrounding a small stage, a sign in front of it read 'pirates cove' and another sign across from it read 'out of order'. I pulled open the curtains and ended up making it fall to the ground, I waved the dust out of my face to see a red torn up fox sitting in there, with a hook and eye patch. "Is this suppose to be another version of Funtime Foxy? These robots look terrible, no wonder this place closed down.." I say to myself. I decided to start going back home, this place is runned down and not worth any more of my time.
On my way to the door I realised that the old brown Funtime Freddy wasn't on stage anymore. As much as I would like to see how that even happened, I decided to just go to the house and keep this human suit safe and fresh.
I finally made it home, and as soon as I entered the house I locked it and took off the suit. It was an okay looking house, I found a couch with a television in front of it. I sat down on the couch and turned the television on, a show appeared on the screen, it was about a vampire and a lady. It wasn't very interesting to me, I looked up and saw a basket of exotic butters sitting on his television. I laughed to myself thinking about when I rigged the basket rewards for him. I got up and found a room with a bed in it, and decided to call it a night, it's been forever since the last time I've slept.
I woke up to a bright light coming from the blinds revealing that it was the morning.
I got up and put my human suit back on, and adjusted it on my face with the help of a mirror from the bathroom.
I walked put of the house and put a smile on my face, lots of neighbors greeted me nicely and I made sure to greet them back. I started walking around town to do some exploring, I wanted to see how much the world has changed since the last time I was out and about many years ago.
A few hours later, someone pointed at me in disgust, and everyone else started hiding from me. I looked down at my hands to see that the skin was turning purple. "Oh no, the suit is starting to rot!" I whisper to myself. I ran away from the crowed of scared people and tried making it back home, but I knew the suit would start ripping apart in a matter of seconds.
Panicing, I stopped running and saw a sewer next to the sidewalk. I made sure no one was looking, then I jumped out of the rotting body and into the sewers. The corps fell to the ground in a matter of seconds. My plan was ruined, now I have to stay in the shadows forever. But then i realised, I can still make this guard suffer. I whisper to the corps, "You won't die.." over and over, till the body finally rose up on it's own.

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