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"This is great, just great."
I watched the rotten body walk away down into town.
What am I suppose to do now?
Hide in the shadows like I have been doing for all of my life?
I was suppose to be able to walk around freely, who knew human bodies rot so easily.
I looked around in the sewers that I ran into from fear for cover.
"This place is worse than the prison I planned so long to leave.."
I decided to follow the walking rotten skin body that I brought back to life a few minutes ago.
He didn't get very far, he was having a hard time walking and was stumbling all over the place.
"Why am I doing this.."
I whisper to myself as I travel through the worst smells ever,
everything was slippery and I felt like I was learning to walk all over again. "I guess me and that walking bag of flesh are more alike then I thought."
I looked out one of the openings from the sewer to see the guy walk into the same Freddy Fazzbears Pizzaria that he always went to before.
"I remember that place, why does he like that place so much?"
He looked confused to see that the door was opened before, I almost forgot that I went there in his skin, then he entered the building.
I want to see what he's doing back at that place, but I can't just walk out of the sewer and onto the sidewalk. I waited a few minutes while watching people walk by. A little kid looked at me, he started pointing and screaming saying "Mommy there's a clown in the sewer!"
I ducked out of sight before anyone else could see.
I'll just have to wait it out.

"I've been here for hours. When are these people going home?"
I peeked out of the sewer, no one was in sight. Now was my chance, I ran out and into the abandon building.
A wave of dusty air hit my face,

"Ugh, almost forgot about that." I coughed and whipped off the dust from my face.
"I wonder where that guy went."
I started walking around, those same old robots were on the stage again.

Those things are so runned down, they're almost creepier looking than me.."
A noise came from somewhere down the hall. I turned around sharply and headed down that direction.
Once I came to the end of the hallway, I saw a door entrance to my right. I peeked inside of the room to see if the guy so happened to be here, but it was empty.
"He must have gotten away."
I said to myself.
I decided to check out the room, it seemed as if it was some type of security office. There was a camera sitting on a desk, and two buttons on each door that connected to the room.
I saw some pictures and posters on the wall of the animactronics that I saw on stage not so long ago, they looked less creepy.
Then out of the silence, a loud sound came from the other hallway, it sounded like someone hit metal with metal. I ran down the hallway but stopped almost immediately. The rabbit animactronics was walking right in front of me and I almost ran into him. I gasped and quickly climbed up to the roof right before he could turn around.
Once he faced the other way again, I followed him slowly making his way down the hallway. Soon I started seeing sparks and pieces of metal fly from around the corner
I made my way up to that corner to see what was going on.
A man, the same guy that I killed, lived in, and brought back to life, was beating up the near animactronic that looked like fun time Freddy. I wasn't sure how to feel, I was never really close to them, but I also hated the guy.
I didn't want to give my position away, so I backed up. I found a closet and hopped in from the roof. The room was filled with weapons and animactronic pieces and masks.
"What is happening in this place.."
I say out loud.
"This place, is very dangerous. You shouldn't be here.."
I jumped at the sound of someone else's voice.
It was a very long and skinny puppet looking figure.
"Woah, I didn't know anyone was here.."
I say. I start to back up and try to escape from some conversation I saw coming.
"Why are you here? I don't recognize you."
The puppet said to me.
I look around confused, trying to come up with something to say.
"Well, I uh, wanted to check this place out."
"You don't belong here, please, leave."
It pointed to the door.
"Look puppet thing-"
It cut me off,
"Okay, Marionette, but I don't think you can just tell me what to do."
Once I said that, it looked at me with fire in its eyes.
"No one is gonna hurt them ever again. If you try to even look at them I will make sure you never leave this place."
"Soo now you won't let me leave? Make up your mind. And who are you talking about?"
Saying that made it even more mad, and I wasn't sure if it was a good thing.
"Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy. Don't hurt them.."
"Wait, those robots on stage? I think I saw one of them getting destroyed earlier."
The Marionette's eyes widened,
"What?! Where?"
"Calm down, it was over here down this hallway."
I pointed out of the closet and down the hallway, before I could even do anything else, the Marionette flew to the end of the hallway in seconds, and I followed behind.

"No, no no no no..."
We both reached the end of the hallway, and every animactronic from the stage earlier were now destroyed and life less, for real this time.
The Marionette fell onto its knees, "I was too late, I could have saved them.. But you, you showed up and distracted me. This is all your fault."
It turned and faced me with anger in it's eyes.
"Woah woah don't blame me."
"I don't have time for this, I need to find the man who did this.."
Then the Marionette flew into the darkness.
I looked back down at the rubble of metal.
I can't continue walking around here looking like this, I need a new disguise.
I think to myself.
I pick up a few pieces of metal and start making a new body.
I made a messed up looking version of Freddy.
"Hmm, this is not my best work. I'm gonna call this, molten Freddy."
I switched up a few wires from me to him so that I could take over that new wired metal body.
"Ah, now I'm part of the Freddy family."
I started walking around,
"I could get use to this."
I stepped on a piece of paper, or was a flier to a new Pizzaria, one that you could make yourself.
"Hmm, interesting. I should check this out.."

To be continued..
Look out for my new book
"Pizzeria simulator"
Coming out soon!

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