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"Okay, I got it." I said,
Ennards plan was pretty simple, just don't kill the guy. I was thinking of how my part would be like, just dancing around the room. I need to make sure that I only scare him, nothing more.
Its a weird feeling, but I feel like Ennard has been planning this before, like, before we even came.. Like he knew we were gonna get killed and thrown into these suits to help him.
"Alright, so do you guys understand your parts in this plan?" Ennard said aloud, I nodded with a small smile, Jason nodded, but he didn't look at any of us. Carlos on the other hand, just grumbled at the plan, looking disgusted. "Is there a problem Funtime Freddy?" Ennard looked straight into his eyes. Me and Jason looked at each other, then at Carlos who was crossing his arms, and so was bon bon. "Its just, what is this going to do? It won't bring back what we lost.."
"But it will bring us a good feeling of revenge and victory! He will get what he deserves, for killing you guys." I liked the sound of that, the guy killed children, he deserves to feel the same pain as we did.
"Alrighty then, lets go guys. We need to get in position for the plan." Ennard said getting up, I looked, confused, and said "Wait, we're doing this now?" "Yes, now." we all got up and went to the door where Ennard already was. "Now remember, don't kill the guy. We just need to scare him." he said, then opened the door. We all walked out and I started heading back to my room. I have no idea what time it is but I need to hurry, he had already checked for today. I don't know why Ennard wants us to do this now, will the man be coming back? Maybe he has some sort of trick up his sleeve. I opened my room door and sit in the darkness, on the edge of my stage. The others went to their rooms and waited too, Ennard climbed up into the dark ceiling and disappeared into the wires. Minirina's circled me and just started, I felt a little uncomfortable. "What are you doing, ballora?" one of them asked, the Minirina's cleared a path for the one who asked the question. "Well, I'm going to dance, dance around this room. But a man will be in here, do not go to him. Its important for you guys to remember that." they looked at each other nodding in am understanding way. Then turned back at me. Another asked, "When will this be happening?" "Very soon. I have to wait for a signal." when I said that, they looked around the room, "There isn't anywhere to hide.." "I'm scared.." the Minirina's started freaking out, I had to think of something, and fast. "Shh, shh, its okay guys. Hey, do you guys know how to play four corners?" "No, whats, four corners?" "Its when I count to 10, and you guys have to run to any of the four corners in this room." "Ooh!" They nodded and look around the room to find all the corners. "But when I say go, you guys have to stay quiet. If I hear any of you, your out. Got it?" "Uh huh." Now they looked excited and ready to play. I'm glad I made them happy, I hope this plan works. I saw them whispering about where they were gonna go and pointing to the corners. I laughed to myself, and saw something move from the corner of my eye. I looked up at the roof, and there sat Ennard waving his arms to get my attention. When he saw me notice him, he gave me the signal. I started freaking out a little. "Oh, uh. Guys! I'm gonna start counting now, go to a corner and do not say anything!" They scattered around and whispering 'hurry!'. "One, two, three, four, five.." I heard the room next to us, with the speaker guy telling the man in the room to check on each of us. I had to hurry up and get to ten or he might hear me. "Six, seven.. Eight nine ten!" I heard him going into a vent that led to my room. The voice from the room he was once in was now in my room. I could hear him much more clearly. It was telling the guy who just entered my room to go to the other side of the room. I heard him start crawling on the floor, the voice told him that he needed to hurry, but he didn't seem like running was the best idea. I started dancing around my room, and started playing some soft music as I twirled. I heard him crawling and I got closer to him, he stopped cause my music was now too noticeable to ignore. I passed by him, and heard him continued crawling. I did that a few more times before he actually got to the other side. He jumped up, opened the door, ran inside and shut the door quickly.
I stopped dancing and took in some air. Ennard came down and stood next to me. "Good job Ballora, I bet you he's starting to get scared." I crossed my arms and smiled, "Thanks, I think I did scare him a bit." "He has to come back though, don't let your guard down just yet. I turned to him and nodded. "Alright, I won't."
I did the same thing that I did when the man was coming into my room the first time. I got close to frighten him, Then gave him some time to crawl. When he got back to his office room, Ennard came back. He started clapping for me. I bowed and waved to him like he was an audience. "Hey, I have to show you something. Follow me." He walked out of my room, and I followed. I was feeling pretty proud of myself, the first part of the plan was done. I swayed my arms side to side, I was in a good mood. "Here we are." Ennard said, we stood in front of a steel door with a bright red button on the side. He pushed the button and the door lifted up slowly. "What's this?" I say, he stood off to the side and said, "You'll see. Ladies first." he bent down a bit and had one arm in front of him like he was a butler. I walked into the room, and right as I entered the room the door closed fast behind me. I thought, maybe this is part of what Ennard wanted to show me. Just play it cool..
I took a few more steps into the room, I saw something on the floor more into the room, it was hard to see so I got closer. When I saw it, both of my hands were covering my mouth. It was Circus baby, Charlie. I fell to the floor next to the robot body. "Oh no, Charlie? Can you hear me? Oh.. What happened.."
"That's something you'll never find out.." A deep voice said, "Ennard..?" I started freaking out, "I'm scared, whats happening?" A loud noise filled the room, it sounded like a machine starting. A red light glowed in the darkness, I sqinted my eyes to try and make out what was moving in the dark. I saw a big metal thing, it kind of looked like those ice cream scooping things. It came down really fast and ran right into my stomach. "Ouch! Ugh!" I fell on my knees, it came down again and hit my chest, "Help! Someone, anyone!" I put my hands on my chest, and got closer to the floor, that's when I realized where the scooping thing would hit next now that I and on the floor all the way. Next thing I knew, I saw the big metal thing coming towards my head. I'm not sure what happened after that...

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