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After that , the boys then left towards who knows , leaving you and Eunwoo all alone , in the quiet yet tense atmosphere . He then glanced around and after ensuring that there was nobody , he then turned to you with a smirk applied on his face .

Eunwoo : Well well well , looks like I won't be bored at home at ALL .

W-what ??

You could feel yourself shiver with those words that escaped his mouth . And with that , he started walking towards you , causing you to step back until you fell onto the couch since there was no space . He then hovered over you , eyes looking like they could grow holes in your head anytime . Slow and steady , he then lean forward . However , once he was about to press his lips onto yours , he was pulled away , causing him to make contact with the floor , making him groan .

Eunwoo : What the hell Moonbin ??!!

Moonbin : Sorry , but dad said to make her comfortable here , not the opposite .

Eunwoo then scoffed and stomped angrily towards his room which was upstairs , along with the other boys . Moonbin then turned to you with an apologetic smile afterwards .

Moonbin : I would like to apologize for his attitude .

Y/N : I-its okay I guess .....

And awkward silence took over for a minute before Moonbin cleared his throat .

Moonbin : So umm , yeah ... I'll show you your room .

And he proceeded to carry your luggage and headed upstairs , with you following behind .

The two of you then passed by a few doors which you could say that it belongs to the boys considering their name is being imprinted on it . And finally , Moonbin stopped in front of a door which you could consider it as your room since your name is being imprinted on it .

Moonbin : So basically , we prepared your room a few days after our dad announced that your mom would be marrying him . Let's show you your room , shall we ??

He then turned the doorknob and headed inside , with you following behind .

For the room , you could say that it was luxurious yet comfortable making it gorgeous . The walls were painted red-ish pink , your bed looks soft and bouncy , while your blankets and pillows were coloured Hot Pink . ( A/N : Starts singing Hot Pink )

There was also a nightstand which only contained a hairdryer , much to your liking . Finally , on the far right of the room , there's a wadrobe which is empty of course . Moonbin then settled down your luggage and turned towards you .

Moonbin : So , welcome to your room . Feel free to customize it if you think it's not your taste . And yeah , Welcome to the family , and see ya later .

He then headed out of the room , which made you jump on your new bed , which is soft as you predicted . You suggest that it's time for a nap since the drive beforehand made you a little dizzy . And off you went to Dreamland .

~~~~ END ~~~~

I literally wrote this while studying in class 😂😂 . Once I'm done with my first book : Transformation , I'll then focus on this book along with my other book : It's your choice . I'll also maybe publish another book which is a BTS FF !! *screams internally* What do you think ?? And lastly to all my chinese readers , Happy Chinese New Year !! 🎊🎊🎉🎉 .

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