L.S.C. Project, Start!

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Running into the room and slamming the door behind him, he could only hope he had lost them. He wasn't even supposed to be at this meeting, yet here he was, here they were.

"Why are we here?" The tall Russian man inquired.

The second man, Kiku, looked over from where he was seated. "I would also like to know this."

Alfred took a deep breath. "Alright, I'm gonna say something that sounds insane-"

"No different from usual then?"

He sent Ivan a half-hearted glare. "Ahem, what I was trying to say is that you two are the only two I could think of to trust with this, y'know considering it was sorta only discovered a month ago."

"Yes, but what is it?"

"Alright. So some dudes up at one of my N.A.S.A. research centers were just chillin y'know, talking about important stuff probably, when they saw something new. It's a new (we think) moon of Jupiter, and I wanna send some dudes up there. It's probably safe, we found some traces of carbon."

The four sat in silence for about a minute. What he was proposing was crazy.

"What is the general idea or purpose of this mission?" Kiku asked.

"The first ever human colony outside Earth! I think it's totally doable! Do you think you can get the engineering and software done Japan?"

"I-I can try, this certainly is a big project though.."

"How about you Russia? You up for this? Our bosses want us on better relations anyway, so.."

"I am not so sure about this project, but I am interested... Da, why not."

Kiku looked down at Eva, and she smiled back at him. Alfred pumped his fist into the air. 

"Heck yeah!" He put his hand out in the middle of the three. "Space bros?"

Kiku put his hand in. "I-I guess...?"

"Nyet." Ivan put his hand on top of Kiku' s. 



The three and a half nations stood in front of the screen in the lab where Xzenofratz was first spotted.

"It's relatively small for a moon." Kiku commented.

"Well it's big enough to support life!"

"Hmm.." Ivan studied the picture. "Are you sure we can get up there America?"

"Yup! This is gonna use an experimental biofuel that lasts a long time!"

"Experimental?" Kiku and Ivan looked at each other. 

"Yeah, but don't worry! It's worked excellently in all the tests!"

"If you say so."


The t.v. played quietly. Alfred and Eva were sitting on the couch in his apartment, watching Bill Nye. It was one of the few shows that Eva was interested in, this episode was on magnetism. As the 'Consider the following' segment came on, Alfred got up to stretch. He walked over to the counter where he had a clear shot of the back of the couch. His face fell as he realized it.

One more month.

One more month then four years in space.

Possibly more.

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