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He just went inside the bathroom leaving no room for further conversations. That is exactly what I had expected from him.

But once he got out he went out without uttering a word. And I too was at peace when he did that.

I was left all alone again. I don't know if I was to be surprised or shocked. And the worst part is I don't even know his name.

"May I come in?"  A voice brought me back from my thoughts.

When I looked up it was one of the maid's voice. I smiled at her and she had a tray in her hand which she placed infront of me and asked to have it.

"I'm not hungry" was my reply.

"Mr. Grantham has strictly asked me to make sure you finish it" was her reply which only made me mad.

"Okay then" I replied as I did not wanted her to be in trouble.

I finally started eating after starring at it, for I don't remember how long. Once I finished it I dragged myself near the bed and leaned my back on the bed side.

I just wanted to sleep and wake up to find everything gone. With that thought in my mind I dozzed off.


I had no gutts to face her but I had to talk to her any way. I had to explain her myself  as to why I did all this and also I deserve a chance to explain myself.

I shut my laptop and went to my room and knocked once. There was no  respond. This was weird for me as I had never knocked my own room's door ever. I had  never knocked any of the doors of this house.

I knocked a little harder the second time. There was no respond I thought she might have left and pushed the door open to see her sleeping.

Her head was on the bed and her body was on the floor. She looked peaceful and she had also had her dinner which made me calm.
I took my time to look at her sleeping.

I walked towards her lifted her and made her lie on bed. She was in deep sleep which made my work easier.
I too lied on the bed but at the other end as I did not wanted to loose control on myself.

Next morning.

I woke up with a sharp noise and when I opened my eyes wide I saw Anna infront of me.

She started moving like she was trapped somewhere that's when I realised that I had held her close to my chest.  Indeed I did loose my control.

I pulled my hands and the moment I did that she ran out of the room. All I could do was stare at her. Once I took my mind off the situation that just happen I realised that I was missing her already.

Yesterday night when I woke up I could not stop looking at her as she looked beautiful. So I went close to her and pushed my hand under her neck and then  placed my other hand on her waist.

I went closer to her covering the complete space between us. I was loving that position so much that I pulled her towards me and smelled her hair.

And that was enough for me to relax. I placed her neck on my shoulder and kissed her head. She did not move even a inch after that and I had my best sleep ever with Anna in my arms.

With a hard push I was back to reality. Today was the day when I realised that I was indeed strong I don't know about other yes but for Anna. I wanted to continue this but I could feel her getting uneasy.

So I decided to let go of her and once I did that she escaped from my arms in no time.

And without uttering a word she went out of the room. I woke up with this view and was wishing for more. I got out of my bed and freshen myself up.

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