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#114 in romance..


We were on our way to the church to meet Margaret. Anna as usual was looking out of the window.

She talks everything at one shot and she won't have anything to talk for the rest of the time.

When we reached the church she stepped out and was waiting for me to get down.

Wow!! Now that was new.

Once she saw me walking towards her she walked further and I walked behind her like always.

I was following her and she entered the church and greeted Father. They seem to have a good relationship as they were talking for too long and I was sitting on one of the bench looking at them.

After sometime Father walked to me and I stood up and greeted him.

"I have only heard of you and today got to meet you son. Take care of Anna. God bless you." he said and left.

Anna looked at me and the think I saw in her eyes is going to give me sleepless nights now.

"She'll me in the hostel. You want to come or you will stay back" she asked me.

"I'm coming" was my obvious answer.

We went to the hostel which was behind the church it was the most calm place I had ever been to.

She was waiting down and then came a girl with her nun dress she looked a little similar to Anna she was almost of her age.

I had seen her before but I got a chance I observe here today.

She was too young to be a nun but it's her choice.

She had a envelope with her which I guessed was the same parcel Anna is got from Australia.

They hugged each other and they spoke for a while. Then Margaret handed the envelope to Anna, Margaret looked at me and bowed and I did the same and she left and Anna walked towards me, she walked further and I was walking behind her.

"Don't you think it was a very short meeting for you both?" I asked her, since they spoke only for sometime.

"She was busy" was Anna's reply.

We got into the car and I drove home.

The whole time I wanted tear the envelope and see what's inside it.

But I was patiently waiting for Anna to do that.

Once we reached I went to the room and was getting more restless now.

I wanted to ask her but Anna was in the library I don't want to get nosey but I want to know what it was.

I pushed those thoughts back, I changed and went out of my room and inspite of my best attempts I could not take my mind off that envelope.

I went to the library where Anna was busy reading a book and that damn envelope was still closed.

"You did not see what's inside it?" Yes I finally asked her.

She looked at me and then that envelope and walked towards the table where she had kept the envelope took it and walked towards me now.

Making me confused. First I thought she will go out to get some privacy to read it. But she walked towards me and stood Infront of me and said, "here open it and find it yourself what's inside."

She said while holding it Infront of me.

"No no that's not mine to open" I replied escaping the embarrassment.

"Bruce I'm not blind I know you had your eye on it since I took it from Margaret. I don't have any secrets to hide take and and see what's inside I won't mind." She said and that's when I realised, she noticed me. I'm such a fool.

"Anna I... I. .. I was not doubting on you I just wanted to know who sent it to you. I'm sorry it's your's not mine to open. I'm sorry." I had just completed that when Anna tore it to open.

"There you go. It's a cheque from my old company from Australia I quit the job when I was here I said them I would no longer be able to work for them for some personal reasons. And they said they will be sending my documents and my lumpsum salary. My documents arrived when I was in the church and this took a little time." She explained.

Damn I so very want to dig the earth and get inside it. She embareses me by giving me proofs of being innocent. And I'll end up being a biggest culprit all the time.

"I did not wanted to know about that I thought it was of some importance that's why I...." even before I could finish she left after giving me a I don't need your explanation look...

I'm no way sleeping in that room tonight. She is getting deadly now. She is changed a lot, she never argues and any such stuff but, her glares give me a hard time a very hard time.

I was in the library when my phone started ringing. It was the spy.

I might sound weird but I like this man, he calls at the right time. The moment I picked the call he spoke even without me asking him anything.

"Anna was working for one of be top companies in Australia she was among their best employees. She has a PhD in two different fields one in accounts and the other in management. She started working at the age of 16 and she was always a 100% scholarship student." He paused for some time and continued.

"She had few differences with his father but that was all a illusion created by one of her relative most probably her Aunt. She has done everything possible to make sure the father and daughter don't meet each other, that was her personal life. Coming back to her professional life Anna drew a salary of 20000$, she resigned form the job last year and she received a lumpsum resignation salary of 60000$, Anna was also on the cover page of one of the top Australian business magazine for her achievements at such young age of 21. Anna was also rewarded with international awards. Her apartment is still booked on her name and she has not went there for a long time." All I wanted to do was laugh at my most stupidity ever of letting her go.But today I even realised that this girl needs no business tycoon to be her husband she is capable of making her own personal world.

"Anna has one obvious enemy her Aunt and her cousin who always wanted to marry Anna." I clinched my jaws when I heard that.

"Anna is presently 22 and her birth date is 19 November. She has never found celebrating it. And yes last but not the least, people who were working with her had one complain about her. She is too hard to work with as she knew more than anyone about everything."

Now I wanted to stab myself and before that dig a grave and even before that handle all my property to Anna.

That's it.... I don't know when I ended the call.

Ok the level of her intelligence is unbeatable. But the thing that's worrying me the most is her Aunt.

Let's have a little inspection on her too.

I texted the same spy to get me the information of Anna's aunt.

Now all I have to do it make sure Anna never confronts her Aunt ever.


There you go...
Another chapter.
Hope It was interesting.

Sorry for the mistakes

Thank you for reading my book.





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