Chapter 27

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Who's that shadow holding me hostage, I've been here for days...



7 days.

168 long hours.

10080 even longer minutes.

604800 even more longer seconds.

Carter hasn't moved from her position on her bed, still staring at the same blue wall. She hasn't touched her food and we've had to force her to drink water.

Every day, I've been trying so hard to get her to talk to me and tell me what's wrong but every day is the same. She doesn't reply.

I've had to go to school, slightly on-edge over the fact that I have to leave her. Every hour of the day seems longer than ever not having her by my side. I miss her smile. I miss her laugh. I miss her rambling. I miss our adventures. I miss my Carter.

She hasn't let me touch her which makes me wonder why she barely lets anyone come into contact with her. She flinches every time someone goes near her which makes me wonder what happened to her. Did somebody hurt her?

Today was a Monday, I had been spending every day at Carter's house. Julie and Darren had set up an inflatable mattress on the floor in Carter's room. They're equally as worried about Carter as I am but we have no idea what to do.

Mum says we have to wait for her to open up to us, she'll tell us when she's ready but when will she be ready? I'm constantly questioning everything, wondering what the hell happened and praying to God that it wasn't my fault she ended up like this.

After eating breakfast, I went up to Carter's room to get my school bag. She was still in the same spot, lying in the same position. I walked over to her and kneeled at her bed side, I moved some of the hair out of her face and looked into her tired eyes. She hasn't been sleeping properly either, waking up in the middle of the night shouting the same thing over and over again: 'I don't deserve them.'

"Hey baby." I said, hoping she would respond in some way. "I'm going to school now but I promise I'll be here as soon as school is over."

I move to kiss her forehead, "I love you." I whisper and sigh, walking out of the room.

Once I get downstairs, I see Julie making pancakes and Darren reading the newspaper. They hear me coming down the stairs, "Anything happen?" Darren asks. I shake my head and they both sigh.

"I'm going to head to school. Call me if anything happens." I tell them, wanting to be here if it's anything to do with Carter. They both nod and I leave the house, getting into my Range Rover to drive to school.


He's gone.

I heard the front door shut and everything go silent. He left and I have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach every time he leaves.

It's not a good thing, I should be getting rid of him and trying to stay away from him but I crave his touch and I need him. He keeps me sane, which makes it ten times harder for me to let go of him.

He asks to stay with me all the time and my parents always let him. They shouldn't though, he should be staying away from me, all of them should be staying away from me. I'm a disease.

I'm so hungry and thirsty, I'm rotting away like I should have done ages ago. I barely sleep due to the nightmares, the same thing happening every night. I go to sleep and dream about having a family and friends they're all so nice to me but then there's a tall, dark figure holding a knife to their necks. They were all sacrificing themselves for me and I didn't deserve it. I don't deserve them.

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