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Your favorite psychotic weirdo that loves to break fourth walls and write books about falling in love with a rich boy who has a sucky life is back! Warning : It's time to cut up a bitch or two.

"You win." You said, feigning exasperation and defeat. You lost on purpose. You wanted to see if you could do anything to help Ciel. To make him happy.

Yet he only gave that perpetual smirk. It wasn't close to a smile. But a smile had feeling in it.

Ciel only feels pain.

*All aboard the feels train. Toot toot.*

Knock knock.

You jumped at the knock. It was unexpected. "Come in," Ciel said.

Sebastian entered in. "You have an invitation to a ball at the Trancy estate." He informed.

"A ball? Hm, Trancy." Ciel said.

If this bitch touches Ciel, there's hell to pay, you thought with a smile. You were interested in the name, Alois Trancy.

~In town~

You, Finny, Baldroy, and Mey-Rin went to go get costumes for the ball. Mey-Rin always let you go someplace for a while while they did the work.

As a small treat, you always look for fresh meat to practice on. You saw a peasant with dark skin, brown eyes, and giant curly hair. She looked about twelve.

(This description is going to be used again)

You walked over to her. "Hi!" You said.

She jumped. Normally, no one would talk to her. Everyone would just stared at her with a disgusted look and walk away. Not a smile or a shilling from anyone.

Was it true that God was finally showing her kindness after everything she's been through?

The girl shyly smiled at you. "H-hi." She whispered.

"I want to show you some fun. If you follow me of course. I'm ______."

"And I'm Darling." The girl said.

Darling followed you to the back of an alley. It was daytime but no one was around.

You clutched the knife tightly behind your back.

"So, what did you need me for?" Darling asked.

You plunged the knife into Darling's chest. She gasped as blood began to fall from her mouth and her new wound. You laughed and stabbed her again.

You stabbed the girl perpetually and forcefully, and your laughs echoed into Darling's ears as her consciousness began to fade away.

Finally, Darling went limp and fell to the ground, her eyes soullessly dead.

"I'll see you in hell~!" You laughed, licking the blood from your hands.

You thought about making a cupcake shop for Ciel.

Going Hetalia on me, eh? Well, that's something you should really consider not doing. So! This is extra :

Meanwhile, after _______ left, Darling woke up in agony. You stared at the Grim Reaper that was supposed to take your soul, Grell Sutcliff.

"What the devil just happened?" Darling asked.

"I want to say you've been killed and died but why, you're standing right in front of me alive! Well, that's not something that happens frequently!" Grell said, looking into a book. The To-Die list.

"Hm, Number 823, a miss Darling Lester. Is killed by a psychotic twelve year old named _______ ______ but wakes up to be a....oh my. A phantom! Congratulations!" Grell said.

Was that supposed to be a good thing or bad?

Either way, Darling was heartbroken. She had given the world a second chance, and now she's dead. This wasn't fair. She was just a kid. That day, Darling promised she'd never call on God ever again.

'Welcome to my hell, ______.....'

So....yeah. You have me as a villain! Again! Except I won't be hung and killed by a bunch of English richies because I'm a witch.... Anyhoo! That's my story. Technically, my OC wasn't called Darling, but I'll get to that later. Either way, this is getting good!

Nah, I don't want me as a villain all the time. I'm more of a girl-who-did-everything, has everything, and is super helpful (so long as she's not hooked up on painkillers XD).

Also, it's my birthday! Fuck me!!!!!

P.S, I may or may not be taking Senpai away from you HHHahHahhHahhHahhHhahHhahHahhahHahHhaHAHhahHahahHahHhahHhahHahhHahhHah!!!!!!!!!! Okay, bye!

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