Moonlit Rose: Beautiful Night

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Before you say anything, yes, this is a Valentine's Day special. I'm doing this early because there's a massive snowstorm that has everyone in my part of the country snowed in since Wednesday. Anyways, I hope you guys like it!

PS: In this chapter ONLY, all of the Shinsengumi will know of Chizuru's, Mizuki's, and Yumi's true genders, but ONLY FOR THIS CHAPTER!!! Have I made myself clear enough?

I thought the picture was cute so I put it in. :o)


Valentine's Day Special: Beautiful Night

"Ugh, my body is in pain." Yumi whines, trudging back through the snow-covered lane after her evening shift around town.

"Is there anything we can do for you, Atobe-san?" asks one of the soldiers under her command. He apparently idolizes her for whatever reason.

"Yada, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." she replies softly, cracking her back and fingers to relieve the tension in them.


Everyone turns to see Mizuki not too far ahead of them with her arms filled with groceries. Yumi smiles widely and jogs over to her, peering into the bags of food. "So what are we having for dinner today?"

"Um, rice with grilled fish seasoned with ginger, soy sauce, and a few other spices. I think the pickled lettuce will be ready to eat by now and the salty eggs too. I've got some skewers of pork meat that I'm planning to grill along with a bag of shrimp fresh of the sea. Oh! I'm also making red bean buns and dango tonight!*"

"Wow! Why are we having so much food?" asks one of the men while several others are already drooling at the thought of the meal. Yumi is refraining to do so in public. Besides, she knows full well that she is one of the poor souls who will have to slave in the kitchen to get this all ready.

"I just thought that I'd treat you guys after all the hard work you've done." Mizuki replies easily and mildly nervously.

"Arigato, Yukimura-sama!" they all cry out in unison, getting so weird stares from the villagers. Mizuki chuckles nervously at all of the attention and tells the men to run back and get all of their chores done while she and Yumi make the dinner.

In a flash, they are gone, a large snow cloud billowing in their wake.

"So what's so special about today?" asks Yumi, glancing sideways at her friend. "You wouldn't make all of this food for nothing."

"I'm surprised you forgot what today is, Yumi, since you're always teasing me about it at home."

"Huh, what are you....IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY?!?!?!?!" she screeches, getting even more stares their way. Thankfully, no one clearly heard what she shrieked to the winter sky.

"Yes, now be quiet!" Mizuki hisses, walking a bit faster away from the center of town. "Goodness, I forgot how loud you can be."

"I'm sorry!" she cries out exasperated. "It's just that we've been away for so long, I completely forgot to keep track of time!"

"It's fine, Yumi. Don't get in a wad about it."

Yumi hums in response to Mizuki's reply and picks up bunch of snow. She tosses it upwards and smiles widely as it dusts the both of them as it falls to the earth below.

"Hey! Not cool, Yumi." Mizuki replies in English. Yumi sticks out her tongue at her friend and leans over to grab more snow when she freezes. (no pun intended)

"Mimi, um, I just remembered something." she says rather nervously. Mizuki cocks her head to the side and looks at her best friend questioningly.


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