Moonlight Rose: The Return of Mizuki

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Hey peoples! I'm going to try and be good and stick to my schedule of updating so let's see if it all works out. I'm SIXTEEN!!! I can't believe it. EEK!! Though it's kind of sad that I've never really had romance in my life for this long...but that's NOT the point. The point is that I had an AMAZING time with my family!!!

Seriously, turning sixteen is all cool and stuff, but if you can't enjoy it with your friends AND family, then, there's nothing special about it...It actually makes it, in the words is Shishido from Prince of Tennis, "super lame."

Anyways, enjoy the chapter! Oh, and yes, there WILL be more MizukixSaito and YumikoxSouji and ChizuruxHijikata coming up so be patient! :o) Oh, and there's also a lot of Itou bashing because I really HATE him. No offense to all Itou fans out there.

The picture is from the game I'm pretty sure.
Chapter 10: The Return of Mizuki

Hijikata leads the way with Kondo, Souji, Saito, Sano, and Shinpachi close behind. His blood begins to race in anticipation as he swiftly runs a corner before dashing forward towards Sannan's workshop on the other side of the alleyway. He is sure that the cry for help was Chizuru, which means that something was attacking her and Sannan, who can't use a sword any better than she could.

He mentally slaps himself, forcing the embarrassed flush trying to reach his cheeks. Since when was he and Chizuru on a first name basis? He shakes the thought aside and throws open the door of Sannan's workshop like area. "Sannan-san!" he calls out only to see a mysterious figure crouched over Sannan and Chizuru's unconscious bodies. Immediately he and the others begin to surround the mysterious person, who keeps their hat down and doesn't even reach for the pair of katanas at his side. Hijikata finds this very strange. The figure is not tense, and he is in possession of two katana instead of the standard katana and short sword.

That's when they hear a soft chuckle that makes them grip their swords even tighter. Is the intruder some kind of insane murder? Or perhaps a Failed? Hijikata's eyes narrow dangerously as he opens his mouth to speak, but at that moment, the figure reaches up and gently pulls off his straw hat before slowly turning to face him. A lump catches in his throat as a pair of amber eyes meet his own violet ones.

"Konbanwa*, Hijikata-fukubuchou*." Kirigaya says with a smirk on her lips, her amber eyes twinkling in amusement.

"Kiri-kun!" Sano and Shinpachi shout before rushing forward and pulling the young samurai into a headlock.

"You disappear for two weeks, and all you can say is 'Konbanwa'? What kind of greeting is that?" asks Shinpachi fuming.

"A normal one." Mizuki replies, laughing lightly before squirming out of his grip because of Hijikata's increasingly annoyed gaze. It wouldn't do to keep her demon vice-commander waiting. "Gomen, Hijikata-san. I'm sure you would like an explanation correct?"

Hijikata nods stiffly at her question and settles down against a wall of the small room as the five others do the same. Kirigaya remains next to Sannan and Chi--Yukimura as he tells what he saw.

Saito remains silent as his eyes follow Mizuki's every move. It surprises the silent samurai when he realizes how relieved and glad he is that Mizuki's every--Did he just call Mizuki by his first name? Sighing, Saito blinks hard a few times before focusing on what Kirigaya-kun is saying, not knowing that the demon vice-commander next to him is having the same problem.

"I didn't see too much of the situation." Mizuki begins quietly, glancing down at the unconscious people at her side. "But from what I saw, Sannan wanted to heal his arm using that medicine which turned him into a monster just like the ones I killed the hight Chizuru and I first came here." She pauses before looking pointedly at Hijikata and Kondo with furious eyes. "Would you like to explain to me how such a poisonous substance came into your grasp, and why you gave it to Sannan-san to begin with?" Her tone is icy, but her normal amber eyes flare a fiery gold color as she inwardly seethes at the situation.

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