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A/N: Here's another chapter for you guys! I'm absolutely loving the support and the feedback I've been getting from you all! 😄

Im glad you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. ❤

There's some non explicit mention of domestic violence and suggested rape so fair warning.

The morning comes faster than Avi would have wanted.

He groans as he rolls over to shut off the infernal shrieking that's his alarm. He makes a mental note to change that god awful noise as soon as possible. What an absolutely horrendous sound to wake up to in the morning.

Avi lets out an irritated sigh before he forces himself out of bed. His feet touch the cold hardwood floor and a slight chill rolls through his body. He curses.

Second mental note: Get a pair of goddamn slippers.

Avi opens the door to the hallway to check on Mitch and nearly has a heart attack.

"Jesus Christ!" Avi exclaims with a start. Mitch stands across from him, equally startled, in nothing but a towel.

Yet again.

"You scared the shit out of me. I didn't think you'd be up." Avi swept back the hair that had fallen into his face. Mitch voices a quick apology.

"I woke up around five thirty in the morning and I couldn't go back to sleep." He explains. "I don't know what it was. A little anxious, I guess? I figured I'd take a hot shower to relax. I didn't think you'd mind."

"No, it's fine, really. I don't mind." A few uncomfortable moments of silence pass between them and Avi feels the familiar awkwardness seeping in. He thinks for a moment. "Um, since you're up," Avi rubs the back of his neck bashfully. "would you like to join me for breakfast?"

Mitch looks taken aback. He wasn't expecting that. "Uh, sure. Yeah, I'd like that." Avi grins from ear to ear. His mood suddenly lifted.

"Great! I'll meet you downstairs." As Avi slips past him to get to the bathroom, Mitch stops him with a comment.

"You know, I only just met you last night and you've already seen me naked twice. That's not a privilege I afford to many so soon." He jokes and Avi turns as red as a cherry. Whatever awkwardness there was dissipates in an instant, and they both find themselves laughing at the remark.

Mitch returns to his room to get dressed. Avi smiles to himself and shakes his head.

He's beginning to really like him.


Mitch has to admit, the professor is a beast at making breakfast.

He's gone all out. Scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes, you name it. He's handling the kitchen like a pro. Mitch finds it impressive and a little...hot?

He shouldn't think like that.

"Color me impressed, Avriel. This is a literal feast."

"Just call me Avi." The professor smiles in gratitude as he places Mitch's plate in front of him. "And yeah, sorry." He laughs. "I rarely have guests over so when I do, I can get a little...carried away."

"I can see that." Mitch giggles but that small revelation makes him curious. "So...do you live here alone, are you married or..." Mitch trails off. He senses Avi's chipper mood falter.

"I was married once." There's a somber tone in Avi's voice. "I live alone now." The change in Avi's mood makes Mitch intensely curious, but it's obvious that the question brings up a painful time in his life. Mitch leaves it at that. He isn't comfortable talking about it. Avi had granted him that courtesy so he figures he'd extend it and not pry. At least for now.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I just thought-"

"It's alright. Your eye's looking a little better." Avi politely changes the subject, turning the focus back on Mitch. The younger man unconsciously touches the side of his face.

"Yeah, it still hurts a bit, but I can see out of it now." Avi takes a seat next to Mitch at the kitchen island and eyes him expectantly. Mitch suddenly feels tense. He knows what Avi wants. He can almost see the questions forming in his head.

"You still want to know what happened to me, don't you." Avi strokes his beard and nods.

"In all honesty, it's been killing me not knowing what happened, but I'm not obligating you. If you're not comfortable with it, you don't have to tell me." Mitch waves his hand dismissively.

"No, Avi, it's okay. I need to get this out. Besides, you took me in and gave me a place to sleep when I had none. You deserve to know what you're getting yourself into. I owe you that much." Avi shakes his head.

"You don't owe me anything, Mitch. I did it because it was the right thing to do, and because I wanted to. I would've never had the heart to just leave you there. You needed help, so, I helped you. I don't expect anything in return. Don't ever think that. I'm just glad you're feeling better." Mitch blushes bright red. Is this man for real? He can't believe this man's level of altruism and kindness. Mitch meets Avi's forest green gaze and sees nothing but patience, warmth and understanding staring back at him.

Something stirs in his chest.

"It's a long story." Mitch admits after he composes himself. Avi takes a sip of his coffee and shrugs.

"I don't have to be at work for another hour. I've got time. How about starting with last night?" He suggests before shoveling forkfuls of food into his mouth. It takes a minute for Mitch to start speaking, but Avi is patient and allows him all the time he needs.

"I ran away from my boyfriend." Mitch finally begins. "Well, ex -boyfriend." He corrects himself.  He hates how childish that admission sounds out loud. "I broke it off because he was...abusive. Physically and emotionally." He watches Avi's eyes widen in realization as he connects the dots.

"He was the one who did this to you?" The professor gestures toward the bruise on the younger man's neck and  his injured face. Mitch slowly nods an affirmation. Avi suddenly loses his appetite. He feels a burning rage well up in his chest that's hard to control, but he manages, for Mitch's sake.

"He wanted sex, but I refused. Sex with him wasn't enjoyable at all, Avi. He...hurt me if i didn't do what he told me to do." Mitch begins fiddling with his shirt again. An anxious habit, Avi assumes. "As you can imagine, he didn't take that so well." He continues. "He slapped me, busted my lip, started choking me until my vision blurred and then he..." Mitch takes a deep breath, "he...forced himself on me anyway."

Mitch pauses, fighting the tears that threaten to fall. This is so goddamn hard, but he can't stop now.

Avi notices him struggling and places a hand on his knee. A simple gesture of encouragement and support. Mitch accepts it without hesitation. He lets out a shaky breath and goes on with his story.

He tells Avi about him leaving Troy and the fight and him breaking his ex's nose. He explains how he wandered the streets with no phone and no money and how he wound up in the college where Avi found him. He tells him everything.

Avi's speechless.

"Holy shit...Mitch. Jesus, I'm so sorry." Avi feels Mitch give his hand a gentle squeeze. "That must have been...terrifying. I can't imagine what that must have been like. How long did this go on for?"

"Six months, give or take." Avi runs his fingers through his hair in disbelief.

"Christ..." He sits there for a moment, letting everything that was just said sink in. "Thank you for telling me, Mitch. That couldn't have been easy."

"Thank you for listening, Avi." Mitch turns to the man next to him and their eyes lock. Brown search green and green search brown. Neither understanding what they're looking for. The warmth from their clasped hands becomes extremely obvious. They both yank their hands away.

"Maybe we should, uh," Avi clears his throat. "finish our food before it gets cold." Mitch nods in agreement, his cheeks staining slightly pink. They can't deny that they both felt something in that moment. Something neither one has felt in a long time.


A/N: Yay! I throughly enjoyed writing this chapter. Im already working on the next one so it should be up soon. Until then, let me know if you're enjoying the story so far. 😊

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