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A/N: Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter. A monster of one I might add. Struggled with some writers block for a while then one day I sat down and just couldn't stop writing. Lol Anyway...


Mitch is not happy.

Avi keeps checking on him when he gets the chance to. Mitch curled himself up against the door, staring out of the window. Avi asked him a little ways back if he wanted to put on music but he refused, explaining that he wanted silence for now. Mitch didn't acknowledge him after that, he just picked at the vinyl on the dashboard in front of him absently. Avi frowns.

"You really don't have to worry about me, Mitch. I'll be fine." Avi tries to reassure him but he immediately regrets saying it. He flinches when Mitch snaps his head in his direction.

"Are you kidding?" Avi keeps his eyes on the road, but he feels Mitch's gaze boring holes into the side of his face. "How can you say that? You don't know him Avi, not like I do. He's an unpredictable drunk and I have no idea how he's going to react when you walk in there. Of course I'm going to worry. I have every right. I..." He pauses, "I don't want to see you hurt, okay?"

Avi sighs. Mitch is right, who's he kidding? Did he really think it was a good idea to go at this alone? One look at Mitch's injuries told him that this Troy guy would have absolutely no qualms about harming anyone who crossed him.

He needs a plan B.

When they reach the next red light, Avi takes out his phone and sets up the Bluetooth feature in his car. He brings up the contact number and dials it. Mitch looks at him quizzically.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Phoning a friend." Avi answers. The line rings a couple of times before a male voice picks up.

"Hello?" Avi smiles at the familiar voice.

"Hey, Kev."

"Avi! Bro! What's up? How's everything?" Avi slides a hand down his face.

"Where do I begin? Hey, you busy tonight?" There's a brief pause on the other end.

"Uh, no, I'm free tonight. Why? What's wrong?"

"I'm gonna need a huge favor." There's another pause, longer this time. Avi really hopes Kevin will agree to this.

"Um, okay?" Kevin sounds skeptical. "What do you need?" Avi senses Kevin's confusion from his side of the line. He might as well get to the point.

"Look, I can explain on the way. Can I pick you up in ten?"

"Uh, yeah, sure. See you in a bit then?"

"See you in a bit. Bye." Avi waits for Kevin to hang up and expels a relieved breath. He feels bad calling Kevin after all this time for a favor. It's what he'd call a 'shitty friend' move, but he's glad Kevin looked past that. He's way more comfortable having him along. He knows Mitch will benefit as well.

"Who was that?" Mitch inquires, genuinely curious.

"That was Kevin. He's a good friend of mine. My best friend, really." Avi pauses to look both ways at an intersection before continuing, "I figured we could use the back up. He works as a bouncer at my sister's club downtown. He's the perfect man for the job, now that I think of it." Mitch raises an eyebrow.

"Your sister owns a club?"

"Yeah, she owns The Rosegold." Avi sees Mitch's eyes grow wide.

"Wait a minute...the Rosegold? Your sister owns it?" Avi nods. Mitch blinks in disbelief.

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