401 10 19

The Rosegold is everything Mitch had imagined and more.

Passing through the doors, the atmosphere hit him like an avalanche, the energy seeping into his skin and electrifying the blood in his veins. His eyes grew wide in awe, devouring the sights around him. Lively groups of bodies pack the interior wall to wall, drinking and conversating near the bars, others lounging on couches or enjoying a meal in the sitting area. Many more still, gyrate to the powerful thrum pulsing from the dance floor.

Mitch swallows and grips Avi's arm, who glances down and smiles sweetly at him, enjoying the childlike sparkle of wonder dancing in Mitch's eyes. His beautiful brown irises dart around excitedly, unable to keep up with the overload of visual stimuli.

"Avi?!" A rich, baritone voice cuts through the loud hum of conversation at the bar. Mitch turns toward its source. "Holy shit! You're here!" A man approaches them from behind the bar, wiping his hands on a rag. Tall, blond, and with a jawline so sharp it should be registered, he reaches over the counter and pulls Avi in for a awkward hug. "God, where've you been? We haven't seen you here in ages! We've missed you!" Avi gives him an apologetic smile.

"I know. I'm sorry I haven't been around, it's been rough." The tall man's estatic grin turns understanding, and he gives Avi's arm a couple pats.

"I get it, Avi. I know it's been a tough year for you." The man eyes Mitch briefly, who's still holding on to Avi's hand. "So, what brings you around tonight?"

"Dropping Kevin off for his shift, among other things." Avi turns his head towards Mitch and wraps his arm around his waist, pulling him closer. The bartender glances between the both of them and a grin spreads, ear to ear, on his face. Mitch's cheeks prickle with heat. "Scott, this is Mitch. Mitch, Scott."

"Nice to meet you." Scott smiles warmly and extends a hand. Mitch accepts it and smiles back.

"Nice to meet you too." The quick once over Scott gives him isn't lost on either of them. Scott's eyes dart back to Avi and Mitch follows his gaze. Avi, aware of the scrutiny, shuffles sheepishly.

"Mitch and I are..." Avi starts to explain but his nerves get the better of him and he trails off.

"On a date." Mitch finishes, surprising both men and himself with his straightforwardness. Avi blinks at him. Mitch shrugs.

"No point in beating around the bush. We aren't exactly subtle." Mitch didn't think it possible for the giant grin on Scott's face to get any wider, but it does.

"No shit, you have a boyfriend? Avi, this is great!" Scott claps Avi on the arm and shoots Mitch a friendly wink. "And he's cute too!" Mitch laughs, but a strange sense of apprehension clamps down around his chest at the word 'boyfriend'.

"This is just a first date, Scott," Avi cuts in. "We've only known each other for a short while. We haven't made anything official. Besides, I want to take my time. I don't want to rush anything." The barest hint of a smile crosses Mitch's lips and he leans into Avi's body, just enough for him to notice.

"Seriously though, Avi." Scott replaces his grin with a tender smile. "I'm really happy for you. It's nice seeing you smile again."

"It is nice, it really is." And that's the truth. Avi never realized how much he missed smiling, how much he missed his family, his friends, how much they cared, until Mitch stumbled into his life and helped him see it. "Thanks, Scott. I appreciate that. By the way, have you seen Esther around?"

"Yeah," Scott points towards the back of the building, "I believe she's in her office."


Sharp knocks on the door rouse Esther from her work. She usually dislikes interruptions while she did paperwork, but she welcomes this one with silent praise. She hates doing payroll.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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