Chapter nine

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Hollys POV

"Holly, get up." A voice woke me from my sleep. I opened my eyes to see my Mums soft brown eyes looking down at me. "How did you sleep?" She asked. "Good, thanks." I said as I yawned, sitting up. "Right I'll let you get ready." Mum said as she left my room. I rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a thud. I picked myself off the soft carpet, that covered my bedroom floor. Grabbing a towel off the towel rack and headed to my bathroom. I turned my shower on to hot. I striped down while the water turned warm, I stepped into the warm water.
I turned the water off and stepped out into the warm room. Smiling I grabbed my fluffy towel and wrapped it around my slim body. I dryer myself and my hair. Before I changed into my school uniform. A white short sleeved shirt and a short nave blue skirt. I sat down on my bed and put on a pair of white ankle socks and my brown buckle school shoes on. I pulled my long blonde hair into a high ponytail. I grabbed my bag and went down stairs for breakfast. I breathed in the sent of pancakes as I made my way it the kitchen. Mum passed me a plate of round, light and fluffy pancakes. I looked at the toppings as I sat down on one of the bar stools. I reached for the Nutella and a spoon. I spread the Nutella out in a thick layer over my pancakes. I sank my teeth into one, yum. Tastes like heaven. I licked the Nutella from the corner of my lips. I put my plate in the sink. And grabbed my lunchbox and stuffed it into my bag. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. "I gotta go." I called out. "No, Holly don't go." Daisy wined, grabbing at my leg. I laughed as I lifted my leg up so she couldn't grab it. I walked out the door still laughing.
Walking down the street, I could see Jack and Liv standing at the corner, Liv let out a loud giggle. Liv just giggled? But she never giggles, I'm gonna have to do some investigating. I decided as I walked closer. Maybe Liv realised that she likes Jack? I'll have to ask Liv about that one. Someone was running behind me, what's the bet it's Ben. I looked over my shoulder, oh what'd you know, it's Ben. "Sleep in again?" I yelled over my shoulder. "No." Ben said looking down, "really?" I asked Ben as he came to a stop next to me. "Maybe." He said getting closer to the real answer, I raised my eyebrow at him. "Ok, ok I did." He said giving in. I just smirked, Holly-1 Ben-0. "Did you just hear Liv she, giggled." I said dramatically. "Yeah, I heard." Ben said. "Hey get a load of this." He said pulling his phone out and turning it, "what?" I asked grabbing at his phone. "Hang on." He said holding his phone just out of my reach. I huffed. "Here watch this." Ben said giving me his phone. I looked down at the phone. Liv and Jack where sitting back to back on the birds nest swing down at the park, "hey and you didn't think to invite me." I asked putting my hand on my heart, faking being hurt. "Yeah, yeah what ever just watch." Ben said so I turned back to the phone. An elderly couple walked past, "oh look at them Erick, young love." The woman said pointing to Liv and Jack, who's faces where very red. "I remember when we were that young and so in love." Erick said. I could tell by how the video was shaking Ben was laughing. "We're not together." Liv said her voice was laced with embarrassment. Then Hannah came running up to the couple, she had a smirk on her face. "But Jack likes my sister, but is too pussy to ask her out." Hannah had said with a big smile on her face. The video shock, meaning Ben was laughing. "Hannah is so much like Liv." I said. As we came to a stop by Liv and Jack. I turned back to the video. "What's she watching?" Jacks voice said. "Hannah." Liv said warningly, the same tone she uses on Ben and Jack. And Hannah ran back to the playground. "Oh keep trying lad. She's a pretty girl." The guy called Erick said as he and the lady walked away hand in hand. The video stopped and I gave the phone back to Ben. "That's funny, sad I wasn't there." I said as we started walking.

As we walked into school and took our normal path over to the seats by the gym. "Incoming, three o'clock." Liv said. I turned to look and there was Abby Smith and her gang of retards. "What do they want?" Jack asked. "How should we know?" Ben said. "Just act like we haven't seen them, just keep walking." I said. "So how's the bruise, Ben." Abby asked coming to a stop in front of us. "Great thanks." Ben said and he tried to sidestep her and her gang. "Where do you think you're going?" One of her gang asked. "Away from you lot." Jack said standing next to Liv protectively. "I just wanted to check on Ben after I hurt him, not on purpose." Abby said with an sweet smile. I just scowled. "Yeah well I'm fine so you can leave us alone now." Ben said crossing his arms over his chest. I noticed the grass slowly growing at Ben's feet the more frustrated he got. I reached out and put a hand on his arm, to try clam him down. I could feel him relax at my touch. And the grass round his feet went back to its right length. "Strange." I muttered. "What was that?" Abby asked me, taking her attention off Ben. "I said, we're going to be late." I made up something that sounded about right. "No you didn't." Abby said taking a step closer to me, I held my ground. "Then why did you ask, if you knew what I said." I growled. Abby scowled. "Well then, what's strange?" She asked me, with a smirk. "What's strange is why you care how Ben is, when you've never had anything to do with us before." I said. This time it was my turn to smirk. "Look you four are strange, I don't know what you're hiding but, mark my words I will find out." Abby said as she turned on her heals. That was it, I had, had enough. A big gust of wind came and knocked Abby and her gang to the ground. "Opps." I whispered, As Abby and her gang clambered to their feet. Livs eyes where red when she looked at me over her shoulder. And when I looked at Jack there was water dripping off his fingertips. Ok we really need to keep control of our powers. I thought. "Get lost." Abby yelled over her shoulder as she ran away from us. "What happened?" Jack asked as we walked towards the school. "We all got angry at Abby and lost control. "Ben was growing the grass under his feet, I made that be gust of wind, Liv your eyes where glowing red and Jack you where running water off your hands." I said. "Oh wow. I just felt really hot." Liv said as we walked into form class. "This needs to stop." I said. "Yeah." They said as we took our seats.

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