Chapter 4 Struggle with the feelings...

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I opened the locker and took my books. Jasmine came to take her books and when she opened her locker she saw a letter. She freaked out after reading it..I asked"What happened ??Are you okay??" and she replied"Guess what? I think he's going to propose me.!!!!!!". I was shocked but happy. We were screaming like hell (I know stupid but that's how girls are) We then left for our classes. When we were walking... there I saw him.(Jason of course) He was smiling at me.(the flirty smile omg I was nearly dead..) and Jasmine was whispering to me "Ulalalala he's you..." and she coughed. I so wanted to kill her but she was right he's actually really cute so any girl can fall for him. We reached the class and Jasmine left me with him.( I was blushing so hard but I controlled) I was just about to ask him "how he is?" but before I could say something he said" You look really good today.." (yea of course dude i wore my favorite dress)but I was just refusing.. then we laughed and the teacher came.

School Ended. I couldn't stop my feelings for Jason so I just went home alone without waiting for anyone....

In the evening I got a text from Jasmine..

"Hey can you come to sleep at my house today please? My parents are going out so we can see a movie and I was thinking of calling Jason and James!". I texted back really worried"No..NO!!! Please I don't wanna talk to Jason Please..." She replied"Aww owkay".

I asked my parents ..I took the bicycle and left. In the way... it was too dark.I was a bit scared cause no one was there... soon I reached her house.

I knocked the door and...Jason opened the door. I was completely shocked..I just couldn't face him. I wanted to go away but I couldn't do that... I entered and without saying a single word went to Jasmine's room. Everyone was downstairs. Jasmine came up. She was trying to explain but I didn't wanted to hear but I did.. she said" I got a call from him and he asked me if he can come over cause he was home alone so I couldn't say no to him..Plz Rose I really am sorry..." and she just left. I was crying all alone but then I thought its not her fault and so I wiped my tears and went downstairs.. and said" Jasmine I got it you don't have to be sad". I smiled at her. Guys were just completely lost. They had no idea of what was going on.. (never mind it guys are a

always like that. LOST ALL THE TIME..) Jason came to talk to me. I didn't wanted to talk but I had to. He asked me with the softest voice" Ehm..Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" I replied with a widest smile" No. You didn't. I'm really sorry for ignoring you.. but I didn't meant to do it.. its just I just was having some troubles so I was just upset about it..". "Its no problem..dear."he said with a cutest smile and a spark in his eyes. After all the talk I noticed Jason and I were alone in that room. We were completely alone. I felt totally weird. Jason was coming towards me...he was closer and more closer. I was feeling uncomfortable but I was feeling something good at the same time. I said to myself " OMG what is happening?? He shouldn't come near me...don't come close...... this is what I didn't wanted to happen... plz Jason just don't kiss me... " but as he was coming closer I was doing the same.. he was so close to me now that I could hear him breathe.. and I could even. hear his heartbeat it was really fast.. My heartbeats were just out of control... and then our lips touched and I couldn't help myself.. I wanted to stop him but I couldn't.. when we kissed..I could feel sparks and butterflies like a kind of magic.. I felt everything around us got alive. But after a min I realized that I didn't wanted this to happen and then I stopped myself and with my back towards him I said"Tell Jasmine I had to go. I wasn't feeling good... James is here she won't feel alone.." and then I ran outside as fast as possible...I reached home and just left to the my room, turned off the

nights and laid down on the bed trying to sleep but the thought of Jason were all over my head and that feeling of kiss ... I could still feel him and his seductive scent... I wanted to feel him but I was scared..

   The Next Day, He didn't came to pick me up for school.. I knew he thought it wouldn't be right. I was sad but glad I walked to school today as I was ready really early. I was walking and then I saw James with another girl.. I really didn't believe my eyes but it was true.. he was cheating on Jasmine. Now I was even more worried. I didn't wanted Jasmine to get hurt.. She loves him a lot....more than any guy... "Shit this is not happening"I said to myself. I texted her "I need to talk to you meet me in school and fast.." she replied" Is everything okay?" "I'll tell you in school" I texted back. I reached school and there I saw him.. Jason..He was looking soooo hot.. I wanted to feel him but I was afraid.. so I just ignored him as if he didn't existed and left to the canteen. There he was again... coming towards me.. and them again I left to library. Jasmine called me and asked where I am and I asked her to come and meet me in library. Jason was with her.... my heart skipped a beat when he sat beside me... I was isolated. I couldn't say anything.. I asked Jasmine why she brought him through our secret language.. she replied he met her on the hall and was searching me so I told him I am in library. she said teasingly " I think I will talk to you guys later.. bye Rose have fun" with that teasy smile. He said "Why did you left last night? Am I that bad kisser?"I laughed and said in the lowest voice" Its nothing like that I just got nervous..." he said "Its okay.." and added "btw yesterday you forgot it after class.." I said" Thank you." Then he left really quickly. Jasmine met me in class but cause of the Ms. I couldn't talk to her and when I opened the book...

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