Chapter One-- Grace

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Mornings Suck

          BEEP! BEEP! BE-

Worst invention ever.  Whoever invented alarms had clearly never had to babysit a four year-old, a 2 year-old, and a one year-old on a Friday night and then wake up the next morning at 3:00 am because they were volunteered by one of their friends to take the early morning supervising shift of the Save the Trees protest.  Yeah, that's my day today.  But no time to complain, got some trees to save.

Climbing out of bed I slowly walked to my dresser to get changed into my usual outfit, which consisted of dark skinny jeans and and over sized long sleeved shirt.  Then, grabbing my glasses off my dresser and putting on my cross ring and Soul Eater necklace, I went to the bathroom to brush my hair.  Now don't start saying Oh, she's just like everyone else with those over sized t-shirts or Ugh, I bet she doesn't even need those glasses, let me just say I wear big shirts because I'm cold and lazy and I wear glasses because I'm as blind as a bat.

After I ran the brush through my hair I went up to the main floor to grab some food, got my keys and got into my blue '05 PT Cruiser, aka my T.A.R.D.I.S., and drove off to the construction site of the new Mountain Park neighborhood.


"You're late." I said when Hanna hopped out of the passenger seat of her dad's truck.

"It's four in the morning, why am I here in the first place." She groaned picking up the sign I made her and plopping down at our table that was strategically placed at the edge of the forest in front of all the bulldozers and other construction equipment.

"Well first of all," I said relaxing in my chair and waving to her dad as he drove off, "we have to get here before the construction crew, and second of all, you signed me up for this, you really didn't think I would repay that?" I questioned while pushing her out of her chair.

"First of all," She proclaimed hotly while standing up, "How dare you."

I didn't even have a chance to respond to the dork because the crew arrived in their trucks at that precise moment.

"You girls better move."  A big man who looked to be the boss demanded, very rudely might I add, getting out of his truck and walking up to our table.

"No, these woods are home to a variety of species and if you cut down these trees you'll wreck the entire ecosystem!" I stated standing up from the table, trying to stare the guy down.  Which doesn't work well when you're 5 foot 4 and 16 years old and your oh so intimidating best friend is 17 and only 5 feet tall.  This wasn't going to end good for us.

Or at least that's what I thought.  But the man just turned around and climbed into his truck.  He didn't drive away though, he just made a call.

"Well that's weird.  What do you think he's doing?"  Hanna asked, putting her sign down.  That's when we heard the sirens.

"Crap!" I shouted, turning towards the woods. "Run!"  I may have neglected to mention the fact that the woods and entire construction area where private property and covered with no trespassing signs.

Me and Hanna bolted into the woods in opposite directions.  I was running for probably 5 minutes when it started to snow.  Great!  I thought, Just terrific!

The snow was coming down harder and harder and I looked up because two seconds ago it was perfectly clear.  But I instantly regretted it because I found myself face down in the snow.   When I got up I saw this giant light blue egg covered white snowflake designs that glowed every time a real snowflake landed on it.

"Woah..." I said inching closer and reaching my hand out to touch it.  As soon as my hand made contact the pulsing of the glow started to speed.  Then I was blinded by some bright light and was pushed by some force, then everything went dark.

A/N: Hey, guys so if you follow me or have read one of my other books I'm sorry. I know this isn't what I said I would do, but it kinda just happened, but since I have some one helping me with this book maybe it will help me get back on a schedule with my other books.

Any who, thanks for reading! Hope to see you guys in the next chapter! BTW 🍕 means time skip.




Peace out girl scout

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