Chapter Three -- Carson

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This is Why I Prefer Golf To Walking

        BORED!!!!! That is the only way to describe my current mood. Both Grace and Hanna bailed on me today for some protest thing. So here I was re-watching Teen Wolf for the thousandth time because I had nothing else to do.

        "Carson!" I heard my mom shout.

        "What!" I yelled back, too lazy to get up.

        "It's a pretty day outside, why don't you go for a walk." She said materializing in the doorway. The only reason why she didn't ask me to go golf is because I needed a little break, I had been golfing all day yesterday and was sore everywhere.

        "But mom-" I whined before I was interrupted.

        "No buts, go outside and take Nike with you he needs some exercise" She said leaving my room.

        Groaning I got up and put my jacket on before grabbing Nike's leash. "Nike! Come here boy!" I called out to my Australian Shepherd. He came bounding into the room, probably expecting a treat, not to be restrained.

        Putting the leash on him I left my room, grabbing my phone on the way out and shoved it in my back pocket. "Bye mom." I said as I walked out of the house and closed the door behind me.

        I walked to the neighborhood park and decided to go on a walking trail. Looking at the list of trails I realized that there was only one trail I hadn't done yet and started walking that trail.

        The trail took me through the woods and up a mountain. I had been walking for about an hour when I came across a part of the path that was taped off.

        "What do ya' think Nike? Wanna be a rebel?" I asked Nike, who in return stared at me blankly. "Well, I didn't hear a no." I smiled mischievously while crossing the tape and wandering into unknown territory.


        I don't remember much after that point. I remember walking for a while and getting hot, then waking up in the middle of a forest fire, Nike nowhere to be seen.

        "Nike!" I tried to shout but to no avail. The fire had dried up my throat so I was unable to do anything, not even cry for help.

        I could feel the fire burning hotter so I try and run away, but I have no clue if I'm going in the right direction.

        "Stupid Carson!" I said while running in what I assumed to be the right direction. "I shouldn't have strayed from the path."

        In the distance I see what appeared to be the cause of the fire and am about to run in the opposite direction when I notice something strange about it. It looked kinda like an egg.

        I slowly ease towards it and I start to notice the details. It was black as ashes and engulfed in flames and every time an ash landed on it that spot would turn crimson for only a brief second before turning black again.

        As I neared it I noticed another odd thing: the flames weren't hot. Overwhelmed with curiosity, I reached out to touch it. Once my skin made contact the egg started pulsating red and I was suddenly blinded by flame and was pushed back by some unknown force and everything went dark.

A/N: Hey everyone!  I'm proud of my self!  I am sticking to a schedule and I won't let you guys down!  Please keep reading and tell me how you like the point of views.  Which one is your favorite so far?  

Well, I guess I'll see you next week!


Peace out girl scout! ✌

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