Chapter Four -- Grace (edited)

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Dragons? Awesome!

         Waking up I was really confused. The last thing I remembered was a weird glowing egg, but when I got up the egg was gone, instead there was a huge crater covered in ice with a very peculiar animal inside.

        The animal was short, probably knee high. The creature was light blue with darker blue spikes. It had the shape of a stark white snowflake on the outside of its front left leg, and these dark blue wings with white flaps. It stood on all fours on stubby legs, staring at me with its piercing purple eyes.

        "Hey girl." I said soothingly, making my way towards what I assumed, based upon my vast nerd knowledge, was a dragon. "What are you doing out here."

        In response the dragon walked over to me and did that thing cats do when they rub themselves against your leg.

        "Woah!" I said jumping away from it's ice cold touch. "You're gonna give me frostbite."

        When I said that she looked at me in a weird way. "Hmm... Maybe that's what I'll call you! Frostbite! You like that girl?"

        But I never got an answer because our one sided conversation was interrupted with a scream that sounded a lot like Hanna.

        "Come on, let's go check that out." I said running off with Frostbite not far behind.

A/N: Hey! Sorry that I'm a day late, I was really busy yeasterday.  

  See you next week!

EDIT: Hey so if you read this back when I first wrote it you many notice a few changes.  The changes are nothing major yet, but they will be in the future.  I have a renewed passion for this book that came out of no where.  But my work from two years ago is not up to my current standard, so I'm revising it.

If you are new, HELLO!!  This is the first chapter that I changed any plot points in, so from here on out it's cynical, memetastic, college author you have to deal with.  Not the hopeful high school student I once was.  So good luck! ~ Gremlin Queen




Peace out girl scout! ✌

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