Chapter 5

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Krystal heard a bang on the surface and went up to investigate. There was a guy wearing an interesting outfit. She realized he was the one causing all the commotion. She used her fire bending to fly up to him then she saw someone else. It was a girl that was younger than her, but Krystal didn't care. She wanted to take down the man that was making buildings fall.

Then she heard someone yell. "You will never get away with this Loki!" It was the little girl. The guy she called Loki said "I will Ella and there is nothing you can do about it." Then Loki hit her with his magic. She started to fall. Krystal caught her in mid air.

She decided to take her back to where she lived. She knew that her brothers and father would be angry. Then Krystal saw a staff on the ground, she grabbed it and went back to the lair.

Krystal made sure her brothers weren't there. They weren't. "I guess they went training with father" She laid Ella on the old couch. Then Krystal heard her brothers. "Oh no." Krystal whispered to herself.

"What up Krystal." Krystal tried to hide Ella. "What are you trying to hide." Mikey asked "What?! I'm not trying to hide anything." Krystal said trying to be convincing. "You are a bad liar." Raph said. Then he walked over and moved her out of the way.

He saw Ella. "You brought a person down here!" Raph yelled. "I saved her. She was fighting someone." Krystal protested while Ella started to wake up. Krystal and her brothers hid. They didn't want her seeing them.

When Ella opened her eyes she said "How the heck did I get here? I can't worry about that now, I have to go stop Loki. Where did I put my staff?" "Sorry but your not going anywhere." Krystal said. Then Ella found her staff and said, "You can't stop me. I have to stop my brother from destroying the world!" "Actually I can stop you. My brother's and I can beat him so you can just stay here." Krystal said. "Why should I? You don't know how to defeat him. You don't know where we are from." Ella said.

Then Krystal showed her, her powers. " I have powers like no one has ever seen before." Then Ella showed her, her powers. Then Ella said, "I have the same power. Is your name Krystal?"

"Why should I tell you? I don't know if I should trust you." Krystal said "Well if you don't know if you trust her then why did you bring her here?" Leo asked. "I brought her here to ask her a few questions." she said.

Ella said, "Well I don't have time for your questions. Loki is still out there and I need to stop him." "Well where are you going to go. You're chained to the ground." Krystal said with a evil look.

Then Ella metal bended out of the chains and stood up and said, "I have metal bending, remember." "How did you know my name?" Krystal asked. "My brother Thor said that I had a sister who is 18 years old." Ella said.

"Well I'm not your sister my family is the turtle's." Krystal said. Then a lightning bolt shot right next to Krystal and her brother's got ready to fight. A large man appeared. Ella ran toward him and hugged him.

"Who are you?" Krystal asked. Then Ella said, "This is my brother, Thor." Thor looked at Krystal and recognized her "What are you staring at?" Krystal asked in a stern voice. Then Thor said, "Krystal, you are my younger sister and Ella's your younger sister. I know that this might be a bit of a shock to you but when you were younger you were left on earth because Odin, our father, left you here on earth by accident."

"I hate to admit it, but he's right. We do have the same power." Ella says to Krystal. "You two are crazy my family's the turtles so, stop telling lies." Krystal said in a angry voice. "Fine, don't believe me! You can just stay here because I know that my brother is stronger than you." Ella says. "Hahahaha are you serious I'm stronger than your brother." Krystal said laughing.

"Then try to pick up his Mjolnir!" Ella shouts. "Now you're just making up words." Krystal said. "I am not. His hammer's name is the Mjolnir and I can't even pick it up. He and I are gods from Asgard. Asgard is one of the nine realms of this universe." Ella says.

"Wait a minute ... you named your hammer? That is hilarious."Krystal said while laughing. "It's the truth. His hammer was forged in the heart of a dying star way before he was even born. I would love to stay and chat but I have to go save this planet." Ella says while walking toward the exit of the sewers.

"You're going to get yourself lost" Krystal said. "Trust me I can sense my way out of here because my earthbending ability. Stop delaying me because Loki could have taken over the world by now. Lucky for me right now shield is helping me and Thor to stop him. You either help me or don't because I can't persuade you." Ella says while walking in the sewers.

Then Krystal ran after her and stopped and said "I'll help you, but really quick tell me that you're my sister. I'm going to use my earthbending to tell whether your lying or not." Krystal said.

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