Chapter 6

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"Alright then. I'm your sister. Our father left you on earth when you were a 1 year old." "Oh my gosh you're telling the truth." Krystal said in amazement. "Well why would I lie to you?" Ella said to Krystal.

"I don't know a lot of people lie." Krystal said. "Whatever." Ella said. Krystal started to lead the way. She didn't want Ella to lead. She still didn't trust her.

"Is something wrong?" Ella asked. Krystal realized that she was way ahead. "Oh, nothing's wrong." Krystal replied. Then out of nowhere Krystal felt a sharp pain in her back. "Sorry Krystal but I can't have someone else beat Loki." Ella said with a evil look.

"You are so evil I can't believe I trusted you." Krystal said as she struggled to breath. Then Ella left when krystal couldn't see her. She used her waterbending to heal the spot where she got stabbed. As soon as she healed, she got up. Even though she was still sore from the stab.

"I can't believe my own sister stabbed me ... if that is even true. I bet that Thor guy has something to do with this." Krystal said as she headed back to the lair.

When she got there Mickey was trying to pick up Thor's hammer. "Guys get away from him Ella stabbed me I think he has something to do with it." Krystal said. She then fainted she had lost a lot of blood.

"Krystal are you okay?" Leo asked in a worried voice. "Yeah, I just lost a lot of blood." she said with a weak voice. She sat up and saw Thor standing by her feet. "Get away from me you trader." Krystal yelled at Thor.

"What happened Krystal." Donnie asked. While Raph and Mikey backed Thor away from Krystal. "I was walking Ella out of the sewers and then she just stabbed me. She told me that she had to defeat Loki herself." Krystal said. As she said it, she got mad, and the more mad she got, the more her firebending started kicked in and instead of her hands burning her throat was burning. Then she screamed in frustration, flames were going everywhere.

She started to cool down and a little steam came out of her nose. "Wow, that's new. Where did you learn to do that?"Leo asked. "Who cares where I learned it. We have to get rid of him." she said pointing at Thor.

"What did I do?" he asked. "You knew that Ella planned to try to kill me!" Krystal yelled. "What in the world are you talking about." Thor asked. "Krystal, use your earthbending to tell whether he's lying or not." Donnie suggested.

"Fine. Did you know that Ella was going to stab me and go after Loki herself?" Krystal asked. "No I didn't know." he said with a straight face. "Your telling the truth." Krystal said with a surprised voice.

"Of course I was telling the truth." Thor said. Krystal remembered that she didn't have time to talk so, she started to run into the sewers. "Where are you going Krystal?" Mikey asked. "I'm going to go stop Ella even if it means I have to destroy her." Krystal said with a serious tone.

"You can't hurt an Asgardian." Thor said in amusement. "You underestimate me." Krystal said and ran out of the sewers.

She saw Ella talking to Loki. "ELLA!"Krystal yelled. When Ella look down and saw Krystal, she floated there in amazement. "How are you still alive?" Ella said scowling. "Remember, waterbending can heal."Krystal said with a smirk.

Ella just floated there. Then Krystal heard a familiar voice "Ella what is going on." it was Loki. When he saw Krystal, he just floated there and stared. "Well, who are you?" Loki asked with a grin on his face.

"I'm not telling you. Ella aren't you going to take him down?" Krystal asked slowly starting to realize that Ella was working with Loki the whole time. "Wait a minute you've been working Loki the whole time, haven't you?" Krystal asked with a shocked face. "You finally put all pieces together Krystal." Ella said.

"So Krystal is your name." Loki said. "Yeah, so what of it?" Loki floated down and slowly walked toward her and said "Your Thor's sister but also you are so beautiful." When he was close enough he lifted her head with his staff. "As much as I like the comment you're still evil and you're not my type." she said stepping away from his staff and hitting him with water.

When she did, he flung far back. Then Ella swooped in and her and Krystal clashed with their ice powers and a fight broke out. Then out of nowhere a lightning bolt hit Ella. Krystal looked behind and saw Thor and he said "Are you okay Krystal?" with a worried face. "What the heck! I was fine. I didn't need your help!" Krystal yelled.

While Krystal and Thor were fighting Ella was starting to regain consciousness. As soon as Krystal saw Ella moving she flew down to her and punched her lights out. "You can take them back to Asgard and keep them in a special jail." Krystal said. "Krystal, come back to Asgard and see mother and father." Thor said a smile on his face.

"I can't I have to stay and hang with my brothers and protect New York." Krystal said. Thor's smile starting to fade. "As you wish ... just remember you can visit anytime." Thor said.

Then Loki regained consciousness and tried to stab Thor but Ella hopped in front of him and got stabbed instead of Thor.

"Why did you save me?" Thor asked with tears running down his face and she said "I shouldn't have listened to Loki." then she died right there in Thor's arms.

While Thor was crying Loki was getting away. Krystal grabbed him with her waterbending. "You didn't really think you could get away, did you?" Krystal tossed Loki back and forth. Then she throw him into the ocean and pulled him out. He was unconscious. Krystal made sure of that.

"Thor put Ella down I will heal her." Krystal said. Thor set Ella down. "Krystal!" Mikey yelled while she was trying to focus. "Be quiet." Krystal said then she regained her focus. When she did she started to heal Ella. When she healed her she didn't wake up. "Why isn't she awake." Thor asked about to get angry. "Just wait." Krystal said. Just then Ella started to wake up. When she did Thor ran to her and gave her a big hug.

"Thank you Krystal for saving Ella." Thor said. "Well I can't let someone just die." she said. Then after they said goodbye Thor took Ella back to Asgard. In Asgard Thor threw Loki into jail. "You need some rest." Thor said. Meanwhile back in New York. Krystal and her brothers are celebrating Krystal beating up Loki. Everyone took a slice of pizza and held it in the air. "To Krystal for being an awesome sister and taking down Loki the crazy maniac." Leo said. Then out of nowhere someone said "Agreed." when they all turned around it was Ella.

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