Soon-To-Be-Stories' Book Covers

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Like the title of the chap said, this will be the book covers for my soon-to-be stories.. Tell me what you think alright! Especially you four Reina05152002, RekkaNoKen, Inazuma11Fangirl3923 and violetta2416.

War Of Love - RanLex - Inazuma11Fangirl3923

War Of Love - RanLex - Inazuma11Fangirl3923

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Forbidden Love - WakaRyuu - RekkaNoKen

I'm Falling For My Pet - KyouMi - violetta2416

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I'm Falling For My Pet - KyouMi - violetta2416. Choose which one you like to be the story's book cover 'kay?



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Celebrity Love Triangle - TakuReiMasa - Reina05152002

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Celebrity Love Triangle - TakuReiMasa - Reina05152002. Choose which one you like to be the story's book cover 'kay?



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And to those who'll see this

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And to those who'll see this... Tell me what you think. Rate it... Tell me your opinions.. And tell me if there's something i should improve.

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