Tag by KumoHinami

34 8 11

Vernon: And this is a tag by KumoHinami

1. What is the last anime that you watched?

Dragon Ball Z earlier this morning

2. What is your favorite K-Pop/Anime songs (Top 10)

Oh Yeah - 10cm
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - Lee Hyori
I Need U - BTS
Boy In Luv - BTS
Danger - BTS
Heartbreaker - G-Dragon
Crooked - G-Dragon
Dash - LEDApple/Ledt
Man In Love - INFINITE


Jounetsu De Mune Atsu - T-Pistonz, KMC
Ashita wo Narase - Kavka Shishido
Believe In Myself - Edge Of Life
Masayume Chasing - BoA
The Rock City Boy - JAMIL
Strike Back - BACK ON
Sekai wa Anata no Iro Ni Naru - B'z
NEVER END TALE - Tatsuyuki Kobayashi and Konomi Suzuki
Hana - Koshi Inaba
Q&A - B'z

3. What is your OTP? (Top5)

MuneReiTaku/TakuReiMasa (Ibuki x Reina x Shindou)
WakaRyuu (Wakana x Saryuu)
FubuMi (Fubuki x Mimi)
AiTsuya (Aiko x Atsuya)
HiroNao (Hiroto x Naoko)

Vernon: Saw those three at the newsfeed and tbh..... They sound cute

4. Do you like me?

Probably..? Maybe..?

5. D-Grayman or Inazuma Eleven?

Idk what D-Grayman is but..... Definitely Inazuma Eleven

6. Who is your favorite coolest character or idol?

Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail

7. Do you like my books? Why?

Uhh..... Idk what your books are tbh... So.... I semi-like them...?

8. What is your age?


9. What is your name?

It starts with R but not telling

10. How many anime did you watched?

Probably 10..? Some are from TV while others from online

11. Do you have three words to describe me?

Determined, Challenger and Blunt

And i tag those people whom i mentioned at the earlier chapter.

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