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5th of August

Amy's POV
If I told you that I was shitting my pants, I wouldn't be lying. I was so nervous about tomorrow. I had put so much effort into this. I wanted everything to be perfect. Not only for myself to prove to everyone that I can do this, but to Lin and the cast. Everyone had gathered in Lin's apartment next door. I was still in my apartment watching the Disney Channel with Charlie. She was hooked on watching Austin and Ally. I could hear heaps of chatter next door, but I didn't want to barge in. I was in the middle of writing everyone seperate cards. You know how long to takes to write 40 cards, fucking ages. But thanks to google I got some help. I got started on Jasmine's card. I didn't even know how to start. Good luck? Nah that's boring. I sighed and picked up my phone and texted Jasmine.

-Hey. Can we talk?

I waited for her response. Although she came back last week, it's been really awkward. It's been so awkward even Anthony picked up on it. We were lying in bed the other day talking about it. She doesn't acknowledge my presence in the morning but then by the afternoon we're acting like best friends. I mean, I know we were before the incident, but I just wanna clarify things with her. I heard a knock on the door and Jasmine was standing there.

"You said you wanted to talk?" She said in a semi angry semi friendly way. I let her in and we sat down on my bed in my room. Charlie was fine watching TV by herself.
"Look, I know we haven't spoken since you walked in on Anthony and I. He told me what you said." I gulped. It sounded like a break up. "I'm so sorry. If I could-"
"Amy. You're the last person who ever needs to apologise. I was just in utter shock. You guys are clearly committed to each other and I respect that. I just needed some time alone work things out with myself and my feelings. When Anthony and I had a fling, it clearly meant nothing to him about what was going on, it was just a release. It was good to have him by my side, you know as a friend, he was my rock. I'm just so happy to see him finally happy. He has gone through a lot of tough shit. I remember one night after rehearsals we stayed up all night because he told me that he wanted to end it all. But now I see him with you and I'm so thankful that he didn't." Jasmine smiled and hugged me. "You're my best friend and I shouldn't be mad a you. Heck when you guys have kids, I'm going to be there in the delivery room catching those rascals." Jasmine laughed.
"That's not happening any time soon. I can promise you that." I smiled and laughed.
"Good." Jasmine smiled and then sighed. "But please, next time, send me a text or leave a tie out or something. We should have a code name, you know, something happens." Jasmine winked.
"Sounds good." I smiled.
"Actually, quick question. Your friend Benny..." Jasmine trailed off. "I-is he single?" Jasmine asked curiously.
"Yeah he is." I told her truthfully. "Why?" I asked her and she blushed.
"I'm so going to introduce you guys together! You guys would be cute. You're both Spanish. Benny grew up in Washington Heights which isn't that far from Brooklyn. I can't believe I didn't think of setting you two up." I gushed.
"What are you two girls girl?" Anthony asked, butting in and walking into my room. "Chatting I see? About me again?" He smirked.
"No actually." Jasmine said.
"How'd you get in here anyways?" I asked him. "Charlie let me in." Anthony causally said. "Didn't cha little C?" Anthony added as Charlie walked into my room.
"What have I told you about opening the door to strangers?" I groaned to Charlie.
"But Anthony's not a stranger." Charlie smiled and got up on my bed and sat in my lap and cuddled me.
"That's true." I smiled at him.
"When's your dad getting home?" Anthony asked and I shrugged.
"No idea." I told him.
"I'll leave you guys alone for a minute. Come on C." Jasmine said and took Charlie out of the bedroom.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Anthony asked me and sat across from me.
"Are you ready for tomorrow. It's your Broadway debut. That's phenomenal. I'm so proud of you Ant." I leaned over and hugged him.
"I'm so fucking nervous."
"Don't be. You're going to be amazing. You know both your parts backwards and forward. I don't see why you're nervous. You know you're going to do well, you should be excited!" I gleamed.
"I mean, of course I'm excited." Anthony muttered.
"Anthony. You're going to be amazing. No matter what anyone says. Anyways, I think you're pretty amazing." I smiled at him.
"You're my girlfriend. You have to say that."
"I don't have to. But I do." I smiled and he chuckled.

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