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*one week later*

Anthony's POV
Amy's dad wasn't getting any better. His rehabilitation sessions were working. I knew Amy needed some support in a time like this. I quickly sent a text to Lin, Leslie, Jasmine, Phillipa and Carleigh asking them to come over to Amy's apartment. I allowed Jasmine to bring Benny over. Carleigh and Amy were, from my observations, were pretty close. Because Amy was backstage every night, Carleigh would always hang out with her. Lin insist that he order pizza for tonight. Lin allowed me to borrow his car to pick Amy up from the hospital.
"All I want to do is take a warm bath, put my pyjamas on and go to sleep until two in the afternoon." Amy said as she put her seat belt on. That's not happening.
"You don't even have a bath at yours." I laughed as I started to drive.
"Lin does. He loves me enough to allow me to bath at his place." Amy smiled and I kept driving. It was good to take her mind off something. I parked in Lin's car spot under the apartment building and we both got out of the car. Amy took my hand and we took the lift to her floor. She sighed.
"Dads going to struggle to do this when he is allow to leave the hospital." Amy mumbled and another tear fell from her eyes. I've seen her cry every day since her dads admittance to hospital. She doesn't cry in front of him anymore. Her cracks show a lot more when she's with me. I can't imagine what she's going through right now.
"Can you cook me some dinner?" Amy asked as the elevator doors opened.
"Sure. What do you want?" I asked her.
"I think I only have ramen noodles left." Amy smiled and I opened the door.
"We have pizza!" Leslie shouted as Amy walked in. Carleigh ran up to her and hugged her.
"It feels like I haven't seen you in a month!" She hugged her tightly.
"It's been a week." Amy laughed and hugged her back. I shut the door behind us. Carleigh took her over to the table.
"Sorry. We got hungry." Lin said with sorrow as Amy opened up a pizza box. They had orders 10 pizzas and 3 garlic breads which is way to much for all of us anyways.
"What do you feel like?" I asked grabbing a plate.
"Vegetarian and garlic bread is fine." Amy smiled at me.
"No worries." I said and served up her plate.
"Save from room. I made chocolate cake and caramel slice." Phillipa piped up. Amy walked over to sit on the ground.
"Here. Sit on the couch." Lin said getting up.
"No no. It's fine." She smiled biting into her pizza slice. I sat down next to her.
"So, how's your dad?" Jasmine asked carefully.
"Yeah. Good." Amy said pulling the melted cheese away from her mouth. "I don't know when he'll be able to come out. They're hoping before Christmas. The nurses want to make sure he can chew and do small tasks first."
"What tasks?" She asked sipping on her drink.
"Oh like flush a toilet and pull his pants up." Amy said. It's pained her to say this. I could tell.
"His speech is absolutely fine. He can talk for hours upon hours." I added.
"H-have you thought about getting him a carer?" Phillipa asked. Amy nodded.
"They cost $40,000 a year. It's ridiculous. I was thinking about quitting my job to look after him full time. Cassandra will probably help out a lot. She's willing to turn part time and help take Charlie to school. She also has a car so she is willing to take Dad to rehabilitation classes and stuff."
"D-do you think you'll have to move?" Vanessa asked worriedly.
"No no. I just need to rearrange a few things. Like add a stood and a bar in the shower for him to balance. And an automatic soap dispenser. He has a 'arms' class this week. Hopefully they work on his twisting on his wrists." Amy smiled. I could tell her eyes were getting watery.
"We've missed you at the Theatre. Please come back this week." Carleigh smiled at Amy.
"Hopefully." She said and sighed. I shuffled closer and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. I grabbed a napkin and gave it too her. She wiped her eyes clean. Charlie went to sit on her sisters lap.
"It's okay Amy. Daddy will be okay." Amy nodded once.
"I-I need to go back." She muttered.
"It's best of you stay here. I gave Cass my number in case anything was to happen." I told her placing a peck on her head. Someone needed to light up the mood. And fast.
"Charlie. Why don't you get one of your colour books? I wanna finish that picture we were colouring." Phillipa smiled at the little girl.
"I left that one at the Theatre. I have another one though. It has pigs in it." She smiled jumping up and running to her room. She came back with a pile of books.
"Nessa? When will Sebastian learn how to colour in?" She asked Vanessa and passed everyone a crayon.
"Hopefully soon sweetie. Then you can colour in together." She smiled.
"Why don't you go have that shower you wanted?" I whispered to Amy. She nodded and got up and left to go to the bathroom.
"How's she feeling?" Phillipa asked and I shook my head.
"She cries herself to sleep every night. She can't help it. Even the slightest mention of her father and she explodes into tears." I said cleaning up my plate and hers. I threw the crust out. If Amy was in a better mood she would've told me off for not eating them.
"She'll probably get better when Ross leaves the hospital." Phillipa muttered pulling the caramel slice out of the fridge. She got a sharp knife and warmed it under some warm water. She began slicing the caramel slice and cutting it into cubes. I moved one of Ross' get well presents off the kitchen bench and onto the table so Phillip had more room to place the cake on the table.

"I'm going to check on Amy." I told her. "I'll tell her you're seeing up dessert." I said as I walked into her room. Amy lay asleep on her bed. I smiled. She's had a couple of sleepless nights and definitely needed some sleep ASAP. I put my weight on the bed next to her.
"Baby girl." I whispered brushing some hair out of her face.
"Mhmm." She barely made a noise. "Phillipa is serving up desert. Would you like to come join us for stay here?"
"I-I'll come." She said smiled at me.
"How was your shower?" I asked as she sat up.
"Refreshing." She smiled and I smiled. I leaned in a gave her a soft kiss on her peach lips. It was a reassuring kiss. Letting her know that I'll be here for her. She smiled as we pulled away. "You smell of coconuts." I smiled at her.
"Oh! Thank you so much for getting me more soap. I was running out." She smiled at the gesture.
"No worries. I brought you a weeks worth of fresh food. It's all in your fridge. Thought you might need something to eat instead on ramen noodles for breakfast." I smiled at her.
"We had eggs." Amy giggled. Her face was showing some more colour.
"Phillipa used them when she made the cake." I laughed and Amy buried her head in my chest.
"I love you so much." She whispered.
"I love you too. And don't you ever forget that." I whispered back.


"Anthony. You're going to get fat." Charlie giggled. I had eat two slices of Phillipa's amazing chocolate cake. Charlie was playing the drums on my stomach as I lay down. Amy was off taking to Jasmine and Carleigh. They were getting her distracted by filling her in with all the gossip from backstage.
"I'm not going to get fat Charlie." I tickled her.
"Yes you will. If you eat too much cake." She laughed and crossed her arms as she landed her bottom on my stomach. Thank god my appendix was no longer there, because she landed on that and the pain would've killed.
"Anthony. Listen to this." She said excitedly.
"Okay. I'm listening." I told her lifting my head up from the ground. Charlie cleared a cough in her throat.
"Un deux trois quatre, cinq six sept huit neuf." She took a paused and I went to clap her but she pulled my hands away. "That's French."
"It sure is." I smiled.
"Have you been practising?" I asked her and she nodded.
"And I know this as well. Tahi, rua toru, wha rima ono whitu waru, iwa and tekau."
"Let me guess. It that Maori?" I asked and she nodded gleefully.
"I know one more." She smiled.
"What is that?" I asked curiosity to the little girl.
"Uno, dos tres cuatro cinco, seis siete ocho nueve, diez!" I put my my hand up to high five her.
"That's every impressive. I don't know any other three year old who can count to ten in four different languages." I told her and she got excited.
"You know what the last language was?" She asked me.
"No, what was it?" She laughed at me.
"Don't be silly Anthony." She laughed and I picked her up in the air and lowered her back down. "That's your language." She smiled and I poked her nose.
"You're right. Here that Lin. My language." I smirked at him.
"Hang on. It can't just be your language." Lin rolled his eyes. Charlie laughed at us bickering. Charlie patted her hands all ove my face.
"Anthony. You need to shave." She laughed at me.
"You sister thinks I'm hot with stubble." I said to her.
"Make sure you shave it before tomorrow's show." Charlie crossed her arms. I've now come to learn that Charlie is one sassy three year old.
"Okay Charlie." I told her.
"Are you sleeping here again tonight?" She asked me.
"Would you like me too? I'm sure your sister wants me too." I smiled. She nodded excitedly.
"Can I sleep with you and Amy?"
"Scored yourself a threeesome, huh Ramos?" Leslie said choking on his fizzy drink.
"Of course honey." I smiled back at Charlie ignoring Leslie's comment. "It can be like a sleep over."
"And Snuggles can come." She smiled referring to her stuffed rabbit toy which held a blanket.
"Of course Snuggles can join us." I smiled as she lay on my stomach.


I want to know where you guys are all from... comment what city or country you're from/live in...
I'll start: Melbourne, Australia.

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