Panic Attack

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Evergreen's P.O.V
I saw him but I couldn't move. He was touching me but I couldn't move. I couldn't run. I couldn't fight. I woke up in a sweat and panic I jumped out of Elfman's arms. I felt like I was going to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and shut and locked the door. I was gonna hurl, when I heard a knock at the door. "Ever are you ok"?. "yeah....I'm fine".
I barely managed to squeak out those few words. My heart was racing and it felt like I couldn't breathe. My chest hurt and I was breathing heavy.
those were my last words before everything went black.
Elfman's P.O.V
I ran to her side.
"are you ok...ever".
I picked her up and ran to the nearest care center.
"Ever you are going to be ok I promise".
as soon as i walk in the doctors notice me, I mean I get why they do I'm hard to miss.
"what seems to be the problem"?.
" I don't know she just was breathing heavy then passed out".
the doctor took her from me. I thought it was kind of weird there was a care center in the middle of this town I mean its a resort and the girl before said that they don't get many wizards but i guess now is not the time to worry.
"sir I'm gonna ask you a few questions about your wife ok"?.
I feel my face go red at the thought of Ever being my wife, but now is not the time come on Elfman this isn't manly Ever is hurt.
"ok I quickly agree".
woops i didn't correct him.

"does she have a history of panic attacks".
"not that I know of".
" there something that could have triggered this attack".
I watch as the nurse takes Ever away from me, I guess the doctor notices me staring at her as they take her.
"don't worry sir you'll be with your wife soon I promise, but now I need you to answer my questions".
"oh I'm sorry, um...she was almost raped could that have triggered it".
I said that last part as quietly as I could manage.
" yes that could definitely have triggered it, I'll come get you when she wakes up".
"ok thank you".
I sighed, I never liked parting from Ever it has always been stressful for me to part with someone I love. Eh...did I say love... oh god.
Evergreen's P.O.V
I woke up in a bed, but it wasn't mine. I sat up and looked around i was in a care center I could tell by the décor. I was analyzing my surroundings when a doctor walked in.
"well look who finally woke up, Evergreen right? that's what your husband told us at least".
husband...? Are they referring to Elfman?
"your husband will be so happy, hold on I'll go get him".
that's when a very excited Elfman walked into the room.
"thank good you are ok".
He ran over to the side of my bed and grabbed my hand in his.
"I was so scared Ever".
my face was burning.
"God you dope I'm fine".
"Sorry to interrupt but her fainting was just from a panic attack nothing to serious but if not controlled can be bad later on. from what I hear it sounds like this is your first one so you should be fine, your husband should be able to take you home by tonight".
He called him my husband again. I look over at Elf to see if he was effected by this. But he just has a serious face on, he is actually paying attention to what the doctor is saying.
"Is there anything I could do if she has another one"?.
He is also asking questions does he care about me this much?
"calm he down is the best thing you could do. Regulate her breathing".
"ok, thank you for everything you've done today".
Wow I like this new Elfman.
" Let's go Ever".
we walked out the doors and into the lounge.
"Hey before we leave I have to use the restroom".
I sighed.
"fine, but make it quick".
He walked off and a few seconds later a guy came up to me.
" Hey girl you are looking fine".
I'm used to getting hit on by random guys cause I mean look at me I'm hot, but it feels different ever since that one guy. I rolled my eyes at him.
" Ew no thanks".
" What's wrong, I don't see a ring common I'm not that bad of a guy let me have a date".
He reached out to grab my hand, when Elf grabbed his wrist from behind me. I turned around to see an angry looking Elfman,
"Get lost she's mine".
The guy looked terrified, I mean I know why have you ever seen Elfman stature.
"..o-oh sorry dude I didn't know".
Elfman let go of his wrist and he ran away. I really like this new assertive Elfman.
" Sorry for calling you mine I just didn't trust him".
" Its ok".
I was really blushing, I don't mind him calling me his but how would I tell him that.

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