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(Authors note: Lögnare doesn't look exactly like Flyn but it was all I could find. Also sorry if Lögnare's name doesn't translate quiet right I used google translate so..Please tell me what you think and please vote if you like it. Also don't tell anyone (well you can on the last page) if you actualy bother to find out what Lögnare's name means or if you can read it. Anyway here's my story...just something for those who wanted to get back at Hans &as always happy writing/reading)

A little too cold.

A Frozen fan fiction.

The cold wind of winter howled through the cell bars, hissing through the cold stone room and wrapping its long talons around his handsome face like a mocking guard. He pressed his head against the wall and glared at the icicles forming on the bars with absolute loathing. Winter was surely here only to defy him. If he could escape from this hell hole he'd surely wrap his hands around stupid little princesses neck and throttle her until she could no longer sing. That would show her! Horrid little fiend. Hans released a short huff and stood up, he ran his hands through his wild hair glowering at the state which he, a prince, had been left in. Then, of course, her smiled at the reflection in his bowl, even wrangled by jails hideous hands he was gorgeous. He ran his tongue over his teeth, eyes widening in horror at the yellow spots on his once gleaming teeth. He lurched backwards and the metal bowl clanged to the ground. Hans adjusted his hair and paced back and forth a furious glower on his gruesomely handsome face. How dare they! How dare they! Not only had his own family locked him up in the stinking hole, but they had proceeded to forget about him. None of them visited, and as if that wasn't bad enough the royal court hadn't even prepared or scheduled a hearing for him. He was to rot down here with no sentence, forever. Hans rubbed his hands together as he paced and acknowledge his own greatness again. For it had been a great plot and how gullible he young princess had been. All he'd really had to do was hit her with his horse! Easy enough because she was so clumsy...easy. If queen Elsa hadn't ruined everything he would've gotten away with it, even with Elsa's misadventure he almost had it. Almost. And he'd done so much to play out the plan. He travelled in the royals worse ship--being the youngest it's all he ever got. And he'd run around singing with the stupid princess for an hour if not more, the same bloody song too. Now here was rotting away in the prison, with only his extensive good looks to keep his bruised ego company.

"Pacing, your highness?" A cool, amused voice asked. Hans froze with his back to the person and regained his composer, he turned slowly with a regal, disdainful  look on his face. The guard leant lazily against the cell bars, his hair was dark and tousled effortlessly, his blue eyes stood out against his pale skin and his lips were pale and broad. Hans swallowed and looked the guard up and down.

"Who are you?" Hans asked accusingly. The guard smiled running a hand through his hair giving Han's a mean, dryly amused look.

"I was sent hair to tell you that you've been called to be sentenced by the highest court." The guard said boredly, his eyes rolling freely inspecting Hans. "But..well..."

Hans stopped tapping his foot and looked up sharply, "well, what?" Hans was feeling rash and annoyed, how dare the court call for him now. And what would they--

"Oh nothing." The guard said slyly pulling himself to stand straight. "I just wanted to say that I thought what you did was astonishingly smart." The guard didn't wait for Hans to reply but started walking away. "A king like you shouldn't be locked up in a tiny cage." The guard said, his voice carrying itself with a sharp sting back to Hans who blinked liked he'd just awoken.

 "No." Hans said darkly. "I shouldn't.

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