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Lögnare tightened his boots as the guard trudged down the stairs.

"Not even anyone on the doors." The new guard announced.  "Everyone's preparing for your death." The guard laughed slapping Lögnare on the shoulder and smiling at Hans evilly. Lögnare spun around sharply and smashed the guard over the head with a cup. The guard shouted out and stumbled back. Hans wrenched the cell doors open and cried out as Lögnare was thrown against the wall. Hans threw himself against the guard before the man could shout out. Hans was struck on the jaw and he stumbled back before lurching forwards and kicking the guard twice. The guard went to punch him but Hans swiftly caught the incoming fist and with his other hand he sent out a weaker punch, the guard caught this and for a moment they held each other's fists and wrestled. But then there was a loud, satisfying 'clung' noise and the guard tumbled almost lifelessly down. Hans looked up, grinning at Lögnare who held a metal water jug in his hand. They struggled to get the heavy body into Han's cell but once they had dumped him in the cold, hard box it was easy enough the tightly wrap cloth around his mouth and lock him in the cage. Lögnare refilled the jug with dark wine and walked slowly over to Hans who was locking the cell. For a moment they stood so close that Hans could feel Lögnare's breath but before Hans could even utter a word Lögnare swiped the keys from Hans's hands and dropped them in the dark red-purple liquid before setting the jug back on the table. Lögnare made eye contact with the awakening guard and quickly tore his eyes away, smiling at Hans he cried.

"To the treasure hold."


Lögnare stood behind Hans, his eyes wide with awe as he watched the prince work his way through a complex lock.

"See," Hans said smiling genuinely at Lögnare, "straight into the treasure stores."

"Wow." Breathed Lögnare as they stepped into the stair way. "And we didn't even pass a single guard."

Hans stepped closer to Lögnare and smiled, pressing his hand against Lögnare's face. "Yes well, that was because everyone's preparing for my death." Hans stepped closer. "Which allows us our escape."

Lögnare grinned and winked pulling away from Hans and prancing down the stairs. Hans followed quickly, overtaking Lögnare and throwing the doors open for him. For a moment Lögnare stood in awe with Hans standing close behind him, so close that Lögnare could feel the breath down his back.

"Wow." Was all Lögnare was able to say as he stood in front of the mass of gold and jewels all ordered and neatly stacked. Finally he rocked forwards and gathered in his hands a huge amount of gold coins. He released them and let out an ecstatic cry which made Hans sigh, his heart thudding in his chest. Lögnare's face grew serious and he quickly assessed the stacks of gold around him. "It's in value order." He realised meanly.

"Yes, " Hans said grandly. "The most valuable is closest to the hidden passage to the boat.

"Perfect." Lögnare purred rubbing his hands together.

They quickly set to the task of hauling the gold and jewels down the passage, ruefully discarding anything too large to get into the passage. They worked quickly and did not stop to talk or discuss and yet the work still took them the majority of the hour.

"That's enough." Lögnare said finally as he stood with his hands on his hips and a pleased smile on his handsome face.

"Are you sure?" Hans asked putting down a gold crown encrusted with blood red diamonds.

"King Hans," Lögnare said quietly with a shy smile on his face as he stepped closer to Hans, "we've got enough treasure to last a single man well into his death."

"Yes, I suppose." Hans smiled. Lögnare picked up the crown from the shelves and knelt down. Hans kneeled too, to receive the crown. Lögnare placed the crown on Hans's mop of hair and smiled at him, their breath intertwined in the cool winter air.

"So you say the trap door locks from the outside?" Lögnare asked.

"Mmhmm." Hans breathed in response.

"Good." Lögnare said leaning forward. Hans leant forwards expectantly. There was a loud 'click' and Lögnare reeled back, his eyes dancing gleefully. Hans shouted and twisted awkwardly, he was cuffed to the large gold box they'd both been unable to life.

"What?!" Hans roared thrashing violently.

"What?" Lögnare asked coolly, rolling his neck with a pleased smile on his face.

"How could you?!" Hans cried out his eyes beginning to tear. "I LOVE YOU."

Lögnare smiled but he couldn't contain himself, horrible laughed poured over his lips and his whole body surged with delight. Finally he stopped looking down without pity at Hans who had tears running down his face.

"I wonder." Said Lögnare. "If Anna cried when you put out the fire."

"I love you!" Hans shouted again, blind with sorrow and rage.

Lögnare sighed and shook his head pulling a purple vile from his pocket. "Love potion." He explain with a smart smile. "You're not in love, you're drugged. See here have person of choice drink potion and place a kiss on their lips of have person of choice swallow your blood." Lögnare sighed again almost lovingly to himself. "I sold my everything I ever had for this, but hell," he spread his hands to the room, "it was worth it."

"I love you..."Hans wept before beginning to thrash again.

"I choose to kiss you of course, because I'm not going to cut my glorious skin for someone like you. Because Hans," Lögnare stooped over and cupped Hans's face, Hans stopped thrashing and pressed himself to Lögnare's touch. "I do prefer people of my own sex and I had heard that you were one of the most handsome of your brothers. So why not." Lögnare stood sharply and glared down at the prince. "But Hans, your ego destroys all which looks good on you, it covers you in an ugly shadow. Even when the love potion was working fully, as it is now and shall forever--it is an extremely strong love potion, Hans--you were horribly egotistical. When you said you'd be king with me nearby, well HA, anyone else on the spell would be throwing kingdoms at me! And to say that I was almost as good as you almost." Lögnare grinned cunningly and licked his lips. "Well now you see that just as brilliant as you."

Hans looked up at Lögnare with tears staining his face, his green eyes wide and hopeless and his mouth parted in horror. Lögnare laughed and waltzed towards the door, a gold and blue sceptre in his hands.

"I'll be off now, so that I'll be long gone by the time they even arrive.  It's a good boat that one, made to go extremely fast to save the royal family, or you know, a thief." Lögnare tipped his head back and laughed before winking at Hans.

"You can keep the crown, I won't be needing it king Hans."

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