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He slowly looked behind his shoulder in fear, but saw nothing but trees. He turned around once more and looked at Legolas. If more trolls were coming they were helpless. He clenched his fists harder and pressed his eyes closed as a chill ran down his spine.

He gasped as he was suddenly lifted from the ground in a hard grip. With only air beneath his feet he began to struggle and fight. He looked back to see big brown eyes in front of his own. He gasped as he realised a tree had picked him up.

"Treebeard." He breathed and sighed a deep sigh of relief. He tried to calm his racing heartbeat by breathing deeply. He really believed the trolls were back.

Treebeard looked him over slowly before suddenly deciding he remembered the man.

"Treebeard please." Aragorn said and looked into the brown wise eyes of the ent.
"We need help, Legolas is dying."

The ent narrowed his eyes, almost grieving the elf.

"Is there a village close?"

Treebeard took a minute to think over the matter before he spoke slowly in a dark voice.

"There is a village..."

Aragorn felt the hope in him.
"Is it close?"

"Yes." Treebeard said and looked down at the elf with slow movements.

"Can you help us? Please!"

The ent slowly looked at the man with narrowed eyes and blinked slowly. Aragorn heard more footsteps and saw in the corners of his eyes how more ents came to surround them.

He heard how the trees behind began to talk to Treebeard in a language he could not understand, until he offered them a ride.

Aragorn looked at Threebeard and bowed his head deeply. He felt a bit of hope return to him, and almost smiled.
"Thank you."

Aragorn let the ent sat him down.
He put the fire out and quickly packed his bag before kneeling by Legolas again. He gently caressed his skin as he whispered his name.

Legolas heavily opened his eyes and looked at the man, eyes narrowed in pain.

"Aragorn.." He moaned and leaned his head back, trying to breath through the pain. The breaths came out ragged and shaky, as if it hurt to breathe.

Aragorn felt his panic began to rise as he lifted Legolas up. The elf moaned in pain and leaned against Aragorn's chest heavily. With a look of concern in his eyes Aragorn gently hugged the elf against him.

The ent carefully lifted him up and sat him on a branch above his head. Aragorn held Legolas secured in his lap as the ent began to walk, bumping up and down.

They traveled painfully slowly, and Legolas began to sweat from the pain. As the tree bumped as he walked his body also did so, even though Aragorn tried his best to keep him still.

Legolas suddenly cried out in a hoarse voice and Aragorn immediately looked down at him in worry. This was the weakest he had ever seen his friend and it worried him greatly.

"Stop." Aragorn told the ent and gently felt Legolas forehead. He closed his eyes as he still felt fever and opened his small bag he still had over his shoulder. He took the cloth and his water skin, draining the fabric. The water wasn't cold but it was better than nothing. He lay it gently on his friend's forehead before wiping the water from his cheeks.

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