Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Bye mom!" Ariana waved her mom out of the house.

"I'm going! I'm going! But when I come back, I want to hear every single detail about eighth grade!"

"Well I think you'll hear a lot on seventh." Ariana said, referring to her younger sister. Her mom jokingly glared at her before shutting the door behind her. Ariana sighed. She thought she would be over it by now, but what happened in the summer kept making her depressed. She wished it had never happened. Shaking her head to rid herself of those thoughts, she took out her homework and started to multiply. She was sitting at the mahogany table in the dining room, not feeling like going to her desk. Plus, this room had a nice view of the pool. She loved how the water rippled and shone in the sunlight. It made her want to jump in. But she had other things to do. Geez, why am I so distracted today?!?! She picked up her pencil and resumed. She was about five minutes into her work when her phone dinged and she was too curious not to check. It was from Facebook. Apparently Ryan Frest, captain of the football team and bf to the head cheerleader, was having a huge party at his house next weekend to celebrate their victory. They hadn't even had a game yet, so that just goes to show how snobby these people really are. It was a pool party though, and Ariana loved those. They were so carefree and fun. Plus, you got to wear a bikini!!! Ick, I'm starting to sound like a snob myself! She dialed Mel's number.

"Hey Mel, did you hear about the party?"

"Uh, yes!!! I am SO going."

"Me too! Can you call Ems and see if she can come with?"

"Sure. I'll talk to you later. Can I come over around 7?"

"Of course! My mom would love to see you."

"Great. Okay, I have to go. Ttyl!"

"Same! Bye." She hung up and put her phone in her backpack, not wanting anymore interruptions. She wanted to have good grades this year.

--------MOM COMES HOME-------

"Hey!" Ariana's mom called from downstairs. Her sister, Lauren, coming back from ballet groaned and plopped on the couch, aggravated. "Oh come on Lauren, today was important. Don't be so grumpy." She moaned again, turning the TV on.

Ariana's mom called upstairs again, waiting for a response. Ariana came down in her robe with her hair in a loose bun.

"Oh hey mom, sorry, just finishing up some home work. My room's a better atmosphere for thinking."

"Oh that's fine, I'll just get dinner started. Enchiladas sound okay? I'm feeling Mexican tonight!" She said with a playful half smile. Ariana laughed, before giving her mom a friendly hug. "And is it okay if Mel comes over a bit at seven?"

"Of course! I love seeing her in the house!"

"Great, me too." Ariana walked over to the living room, where her sister was vegging out. She wrapped her robe around her, feeling a slight breeze. "Lauren, you know that you're just gaining weight, right?" Lauren turned around and glared at Ariana. She was still in her leotard, her hair tightly wrapped on the top of her head. It looked kind of pathetic. Ariana smiled, letting out a slight giggle.

"I just got home, can't I have some peace?" Lauren tried to explain her situation.

Gesturing at the screen, Ariana said,"Pretty Little Liars? Hardly peaceful." Ariana sarcastically scoffed, then sat down with her sister. "So how's seventh grade?"

"Eh, okay. I'm SO glad mom agreed to let me go to school with Angie. If someone had seen me with you, my rep would be in for."

"Haha, Lauren. Very funny."

"Yeah I know. But that wasn't the point." Ariana couldn't help but laugh. It was so funny when Lauren tried to be all prissy and got mad for no reason. She was her sister, that was a fact. Lauren cracked and laughed for like two seconds, then said,"Now shut up, they're just about to find out who A is." Ariana watched the TV, not really watching. She looked at her sister intently watching this storyline she so passionately loved. Ah, seventh grade.

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