~Chapter One~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

My eyes fluttered open, to see unfamiliar surroundings. I was also on a long testing table. There were also tons of wires attached to my head. My instincts kicked in, and, I screamed. "Let me go!" Some people came up to me, and tried to calm me down. "Shh! Don't worry, you're okay. You're safe." "Please... Let me go!" I said, as tears came down my face. I don't want to be a test subject.

"You collected all the data that you needed, right?" I couldn't tell who was saying this. "Yes, we did." "In that case, you can let our brave champion go." Brave? Champion? Who are they talking about? Soon, I felt all the wires detached from my head. I looked around, to see who was my savior. I saw a guy in a long brown coat. "Where am I?" "You're in a secret facility." "How'd I get here?" "Someone found you unconscious, and, before the police could get their hands on you, we scooped you up, and, brought you here." "Why am I here?" "Because, we needed to make sure that you're okay. After all, you were battling an Ultra Beast." What's an Ultra Beast?

The guy must've sensed my confusion. "Maybe you bonked your head, or something...." "Can I ask you a few questions.... What's your name?" "Yes, you can ask me a few questions. And, are you sure you're feeling okay, (y/n)? I've already told you to call me Looker." "Is (y/n) my name?" The 'Looker' guy looked at me, in complete shock. "It can't be... Can it?" "What?!" I exclaimed, feeling very afraid. "We're going to have to scan your brain, to see what's going on." "WHAT?!" Some people started hooking my head up to something. "No! Let me go!" They then put a mask over my mouth. I tried to not inhale whatever they were trying to have me breathe in, but, I couldn't hold my breath forever, and, soon, I was asleep...

I awoke, to some people talking. "That's bad news." What? What's bad news? "What... What's bad news?" I said, groggily. Everyone looked at me. "Okay, this may not make sense right now, but... Your memories have been somehow blocked." My... Memories? I had memories? "We don't know how they've been blocked. Our best guess is that the UB did this to you. Though, I'm surprised it didn't finish you off, right then, and there. But, guess there's no reason for us to be upset about that..."

"So, I have memories, but, they're blocked?" "You are correct." "So, I still have the memories?" "Yes." "But, I can't remember them?" "Right again." No way, I... I have a past... But, I can't remember it?! This can't be happening!

"Do not fret, hope is not lost." "Why not?" "Because, the way we see it, is that you just need a click, and, then, your memories should be back." "Oh..." "I'm going to call down a good friend of yours. Before you lost your memory, you were very close with them. Maybe, they'll provide the 'Click' that you need." Looker then pulled out his phone, and, dialed a number. "Wait, what is this person's name?" "His name, it's Gladion."

~Gladion's P.O.V~

I was taking a break, from being the President of the Aether Foundation, to spend a day, with my Pokémon, when I received a phone call, from a number I didn't recognize. Sighing, I picked it up. "Hello?" I said, very annoyed. "Hello. Is this Gladion, President of the Aether Foundation?" "I am he. What do you want?" "I'm Looker, from a detective agency." "And, why should I care?" "We have (y/n) here, and-" "What did you do to (y/n)!?" "We did nothing. But, a UB did. Let me explain." An Ultra Beast did something to (y/n). This can't be good.

"You see, more and more UB's started showing up. And, we needed the help from the champion, to help capture these creatures. But, you see, it seems like (y/n) ran into trouble, when she was battling the UB." "What kind of trouble?" I said, trying to contain my concern. "It has blocked all her memories." I almost dropped the phone. "Her memories are gone!?" "No, they're not gone. They're just blocked from (y/n)'s reach. But, there is hope. We have discovered that all (y/n) needs is a certain 'Click,' If this click happens, her memories will come pouring to her, like a gigantic waterfall." "And, how do we get this click to happen?" "We believe that what we need to do is to put her in situations, where important events happened in her life." "And, let me guess, you want me to help with this?" "Well, based on my research, you're a very close friend of (y/n)'s. Am I mistaken?"

A... Very close friend of (y/n)'s? A blush started to form on my face. But, I quickly shook it off. "You are." "Good. Then, we'll be expecting you." "Where are you?" Looker then gave me the location of the secret base. I rushed out, and, headed to where (y/n) was.

When I arrived, at the secret base, they let me in. They led me down, to a secret chamber. Inside, I saw (y/n), sitting up, on a test table. "(y/n)!" I said, while running over to her. "So, Looker, is this the 'Gladion' that you told me about?" So, it's true, (y/n) truly has had her memories blocked. This shattered my heart. All the memories that we've had together... Blocked off.

"So..." Looker said, while looking at me. "Do you think you can guard (y/n), and, help her obtain her memories?" "I will." "Very good." Looker then left. I looked at (y/n), who looked at me, in curiosity. (y/n), don't worry, I'll restore your memory. Just you wait, and see.    

Well, here's chapter one. I hope you enjoyed! Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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