Chapter Thirty Five - Scarlett

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Don't let yourself go; 'cause everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.


Scarlett's POV

I had to see him again. I just had to know if he had woken up yet. I waited beside him for almost two hours, wondering if it was just the medicine that was keeping him asleep or the lack of his will. 

I was obviously hoping it was the medicine. Because if it was his will, then I was going to be part of the chair whenever he woke up. 

I heard Mason take a sharp intake of breath, and crunch his eyebrows as if he didn't want to be disturbed. I smiled softly. Mason probably had a wonderful dream. Maybe it'll ease the pain of what he's going to see next. 

I saw his eyelids flutter to reveal his striking blue eyes. His eyebrows knitted together as if to ask "What happened?". I uncrossed my arms and leaned forward, almost touching his bruised arm. 

"You were in a car accident, Mason," I whispered, careful not to jolt him. "Another driver hit you."

I left out the part where it was my stepfather who hit him. He doesn't need to know that. Not yet, at least. 

"An accident?" He asked, his voice raspy. I nodded, and pressed the button on his bedside remote, asking for the nurse to come in so that she could do a routine check.

Mason looked around at his surroundings, taking in the stark white walls. 

And then he saw the place where his leg should have been. The leg that he depended on to make baskets and to run laps around the court. The leg that would have helped him gain scholarships. 

He stared at what he had lost with no emotion. He just stared at it. I shed a tear at his expense. Then the nurse came in, all bubbly and happy without a care in the world. As if his leg wasn't torn from him. 

"Well hello, Mr. Parks! Glad to see..." the nurse started. But I left the room without looking back. 

I rushed towards John's room, glad - for the first time since she met John - to see my mother. She was standing next to his bed, holding John's limp hand. The monitors around him were the only ones keeping him alive. 

"We have to let him go, Scarlett," she said. I lightly jumped, not even knowing that she knew that I was in the room. "The doctors said that he should've died on impact, but he didn't. And now all his organs are failing him. If we don't pull the plug, then he'll die in pain."

I could hear her sobbing now. With a quick glance at my siblings who were still sleeping, I walked towards my mom and gave her shoulder a squeeze. 

"We'll get through it," I replied, not taking my hand away from her shoulder. My mom was full on crying now. 

She dropped John's hand back onto the bed and straightened her back. 

"Please get the doctor," she said, in between her cries. 

I nodded, and walked out of the room to get the man who would end my stepfather's life. 


A/N: Almost doneeee.....


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