Chapter Eleven

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I hear him before I see him. The sound of him coming closer to the bathroom causes my body to react even though I don't want it to. I hate him for making me feel things that I shouldn't.

I want to turn around and yell at him to get the fuck out of this bathroom, but I can't. Part of me wants him in here with me, not caring about the consequences. Sometimes taking a risk reaps the best rewards, but I'm not sure what I will be rewarded with.

Sure I'd get a better look at all those tattoos that he keeps under that button up shirt and how taut his body is, but is that really what I want?

Looking over my shoulder, I see him coming closer. He's lost his shirt and his shoes, but he doesn't stop there. His slacks are undone and his fisting his cock like he's starving for a touch of something, anyone.

He isn't shy, and part of that turns me on more. He doesn't care if I see him wearing nothing at all and fuck it's a hot sight.

I move the shower curtain to the side and step into the hot stream of water. Letting the water pelt my skin, I release some of the tension that I was holding in after that bitch spilled my wine all over us. I know she did it on purpose. She probably didn't expect it to land on him too, though.

The curtain moves to the side, and I look at him with water trailing down my face and my body. As much as I want to cover myself up, I don't. He wants to play this weird game, and I won't back down. I am not sleeping with him, but that doesn't mean I can't mess with him.

A wicked little idea pops into my head, and I can't help but grin to myself. Moving to the side, I give him enough room to move into the shower with me. As he shuts the curtain behind him, I let myself check him out.

His shoulders are broad and muscular, his chest built and sexy as shit. His waist is trim and doesn't even get me started on what he's packing downstairs. My eyes stay on his dick for far longer than they should, but I don't bother trying to hide my interest in him.

"You can touch it you know." He murmurs. I feel my cheeks heat that the suggestion and I lick my lips. I've never done more than feel someone up on the outside of their jeans once. Wow, that makes me sound like such a damn prude.

I mean, sure I've kissed a few guys, but nothing more than that.

I might be in way over my head... His body flexes as he stands under the spray of water. His arms lift as he runs his hands through his hair and fuck me; it's the hottest sight I've ever seen.

It's almost like he doing this private show for just me. I know that in a way he is, but still. I reach out, unable to stop myself and run my fingers down the center of his chest, down towards his, uh package.

His muscle tense as my fingers slowly trail down his skin.

Every inch of his body is hard as a rock and God there are so many things that are now rolling around in my head. I wonder what it would feel like to touch him.

He places a hand on mine, stopping me from exploring any further. At first, my minds runs through a few different reasons like maybe he doesn't want me to touch him, but then he surprises me by placing my hand right on him.

The feel of his velvety skin is unlike anything I've ever felt. It's like soft but hard as steel all at the same time. Holy shit. He twitches in my palm, and I don't know what that could mean. I've never even watch a porn video before. God, maybe I should have, maybe then I would know what to do right now.

Shit. His hand comes back down to mine, and he starts to move our hands in a steady rhythm. Every stroke of our hands brings his dick to life. Biting my bottom lip, I focus on what we are doing to him. He grunts out in pleasure and fuck when our eyes meet it's unlike anything I've ever felt before.

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