Chapter 2 Regreting my decision?

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Spongebob is cute and all, but he is getting annoying. I don't know. Some days I love him some days I wish he would go away. Maybe all that time pretending I hated him, is actually coming true... Ugh..I don't even know what I was thinking asking him out.


Squidward isn't as loving as he was when we first went out. He's started avoiding me. I can't help but feel he doesn't like me anymore. I try not to be that clingy and more loving. I don't know what I've done.

SS: Hey squiddy?
ST: Yeah?
SS: Are we ok?
ST: Yeah why wouldn't we be?
SS: Sometimes I feel like your avoiding me...
ST: Oh no, SpongeBob I would never!
SS: Oh ok.
ST:'s just, sometimes you annoy me, but I really do love you.
SS: Oh, I'm sorry...
ST: No you don't have to be sorry for anything, this is all me. I'm sorry.
SS: So we are fine?
ST: Of course.

Squidward hugged him, then kissed him.

SS: I'm sorry I'm annoying squidward.
ST: It's fine I'll learn to live with it. Ha ha.

*spongebobs phone rang*

SS: Oh hey Patrick.
PS: Where are you?
SS: What?
PS: I've been waiting for ages!
SS: Oh crap I'm sorry I forgot!
PS: Huh!
SS: I'm sorry I'll come now!
PS: Whatever i'm going back home!

*patrick ends the call*

SS: Sorry squidward I've got go see Patrick. I totally forgot we were meant to go jelly-fishing today
ST: Oh alright, but hurry back!
SS: He he will do.

Spongebob kissed squidwards cheek and headed out of the door. He saw Patrick arriving at his house. Patrick looked at him and saw he was coming out of squidwards house. He huffed, dropped his jelly-fishing net, and stormed off. SpongeBob walked up to him.

SS: Patrick, I'm so sorry I forgot.
PS: Huh, yeah right! You probably didn't even forgot because you were with squidward!
SS: Right 1 its 'forget' and 2 I did and 3 I can spend time with squidward too, he is my boyfriend.
PS: Don't correct me spongebob! You haven't spent anytime with me since you got with him.
SS: Oh please stop Patrick, you're my best friend. Look we can go jelly-fishing now ok?
PS: Ugh...Fine...

Spongebob picked up Patrick's jelly-fishing net, and gave it back to him.

ST: Wait where are they going?

Squidward said, looking out of his window. He decided to follow them.

SS: This is so fun look how many I got!
PS: Aww I only got one.
SS: Err... Patrick...that's kelp.
PS: Oh.
SS: Hahahhahahaha!
PS: ha ha ha!

Suidward came over to them.

ST: Oh hey guys.
SS: Hey squidward!

Spongebob hugged him. Patrick glared at squidward with jealousy.

ST: Having fun?
PS: We where until you showed up.
ST: Excuse me?
PS: Oh I'm sorry, what I said was, WE WHERE UNTIL YOU SHOWED UP!
ST: What the heck is wrong with him?
SS: Best not to talk about it.
ST: Well I just came to play with you, but it's clear I'm not wanted.

Squidward said glaring at Patrick.

SS: It's fine you can play with us.
PS: Er yeah... you don't even have net.
ST: Well I'm not the one with kelp in my net am I?

Patrick huffed, and tipped the kelp out of it.

SS: I've got a spare one. There you go.
ST: Oh look I caught the dumbest one here!

Squidward said, putting his net over Patrick's head.

SS: Alright guys let's just play nicely ok?
ST: Oh look I caught 10!
SS: Wow that's even more than me!
PS: Cough..showoff...cough.
ST: Oh it seems you've got a serious cough there, are you alright?
PS: Ugh screw this I'm going home!

Patrick said, snapping his net.

SS: Patrick come back!
PS: No I can't be with him for one more second.
ST: You took the words right out of my mouth.
SS: Come on, I promise I'll spend more time with you!
PS: No you won't you never will! I can't deal with him being with you!
SS: Why not!?
PS: Because I wanna be with you!
SS: Oh shit...

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