Chapter 5 I hate you...

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Policeman 1: We found some prints on the knife Patrick was killed with.
SS: But he killed himself there shouldn't be...
Policeman 2: We know who it was.

Spongebob looked at Squidward. Squidward didn't look back at him.

Policeman 1: We'll be back just stay here.

They left the interview room.

Squidwards POV:

I can't believe spongebob! He's gonna be in so much shit for this. He isn't the sponge I fell in love with anymore... He killed someone. I didn't even know if he was capable of love, let alone murder! This is too much. I can't love him anymore.

SS: Oh my god.
ST: Don't.
SS: Squidward?
ST: You didn't even fess up.
SS: I can't, I don't wanna get sent to prison!
ST: Well I don't care!
SS: What?...
ST: You killed him, and lied about it. They just said they knew who it is, so now you're gonna be in even deeper shit!
SS: What the fuck is with you?
ST: You killed someone!
SS: Shhh!
ST: Like it fucking matters you're gonna go to prison anyway!
SS: Squidward...
ST: I don't love you anymore you're a murderer. I hate you... You should have been with Patrick while you had the chance...

With tears in spongebobs eyes at what he just heard, the police walked back in.

Policeman 3: Squidward Tentacles.
ST: Yes?

Squidward said, confused.

Policeman 3: The prints found on the knife where yours. You are under arrest for the murder of Patrick Star.
ST: What?!

The policeman began to handcuff him. Squidward glared at spongebob.

Policeman 3: You do not have to say anything but anything you do say will be given in evidence, with something you will later rely on in court.
ST: I'll never forgive you for this!
SS: I'm sorry...

Spongebob said, quietly. As he took Squidward away. He began to cry his eyes out.

~Time skip~

(Spongebob visiting Squidward in prison)

SS: Squidward please...
ST: This is your fault, if you fessed up I wouldn't be here!
SS: Please forgive me I love you! I'll try everything I can to get you out of here!
ST: You can't do anything, like your ever gonna fess up! Even if you did I would never love you again! Just fuck of I never wanna see you again. Live your own sad life without me you selfish bastard!
SS: I thought you loved me...
ST: Yeah well you thought wrong...Now get out of my sight!

I don't know where this story is going to be honest 😂 ideas please?

-Kikikittypewdscat x

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