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    Everyone in class had something to do to pass away time.
    Some bespectacled nerds had their heads buried in their books,some were busy throwing air planes in the air, some were checking out new gossips and latest fashion in the magazine,some were doodling away in books while some people in my category were just taking sight of everything and everyone.
    My eyes roamed round the class, scanning the place like a hawk, until it finally rested on Marcus Ross or as he is popularly known : Mr Perfect.
    He was quite the exact definition of hot.He had this sharp boned sculpted face with  dark turquoise eyes and cherry pink lips that could make any girl fall for him. His mop of dirty brown hair was scattered messily in such an attractive manner that it was almost impossible to keep from running a hand through it.
    Don't get me wrong,i wasn't one of his crazy fan girls at school. I simply admired his good looks,nothing more,nothing less.
    A guy like Marcus had everything they wanted at their feet. They had fame,good looks, girls and respect of teachers also. To top it all, he was unusually brilliant. I never expected that...i never actually knew what i expected from him.
     Of course,he had a lot of major flaws. He was cold,arrogant,snobbish and bossy. His good looks,at least to my estimation made up for his lack of people person. He was probably oblivious to everything going on around him,including the fact that the girls beside him were trying to get his attention. At least they got mine!
    It was fun watching them try so hard,yet fail so easily.
    There were only two reasons i could come up with as to why he was so - you know - him.
    It was either he was allergic to girls or he was a freaking psychopath.
    To my utmost dismay,the girls gave up trying and left. There was no freak show to watch. I fumbled with my wristwatch as i angled my head to check the time.
    Ten more minutes to get out of this hell hole or as teachers like to call it; classroom.
    Marcus still had his head bent over a book in concentration. Didn't he have neck cramps from bending too much??I mean,i was really curious to know what he was writing,scribbling,doodling,sketching, drawing - whatever he was doing. His hand combed through his mop of dirty blonde hair and he yawned with ease.
    The bell finally went off,waking everyone from their reverie. He shut his 'secret book and tossed it into his bag.
    My stomach grumbled as i stood up,slung my bag over my shoulder and walked towards my locker in slow steady steps.
    I shrieked when i saw a face pop out of no where immediately i closed my locker. My books dropped to the floor and i snorted when a familiar laughter filled my ears.
   "Don't ever do that again Jeremy!" I warned, bending down to pick my books. He also crouched down to help me.
   "So how was your day?" He asked,handing me my French dictionary.
   "Going great till you came along". I retorted and stood up to put the books in my bag.
    Jeremy stood up,looking at me with wondering grey eyes. "Sorry if i gave you a scare", he apologized.
    I gave him a slow once over look,thinking about it. "Apology accepted".
    He was clad in a black denim jeans trousers and blue sport shirt. He had a mass of messy brown hair with a faint scatter of freckles around his face that made him look so adorable.
    Oh,and to top it all,he was my best friend. Up till now,I'm still trying to figure out why he would want to have a friend like me when he could easily get any girl in the school. I knew it was a total bummer for all the girls who probably liked him a lot that i was always with him.
    Did i mention that Jeremy was also a flirt? Probably not! He used and dumped girls like a piece of garbage.
   "Are you heading home now?" He asked,regarding me closely.
   "What gave that away?" I retorted,my voice filled with sarcasm. Where did he expect me to go? A club or motel?
   Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Anyway I've got good news".
    Finally,something juicy about the day. My ears shut up in the air as I turned to face him. "Spill it!".
   "You know Alexa Wilde right?"
   "Yeah,who wouldn't? She's the school's beauty queen".
    He smirked." Well, we're kind of,like...together now".
    My eyes beamed in surprise. "No way! How did you get her to notice you?"
    Jeremy flicked his hair away from his face and batted his eye lashes in a cute way.
   "Who wouldn't be attracted to this? Girls dig a Jeremy with a cute face". He added,talking about himself in third person.
   "Jerry!" A soft voice called out in a sing song tone. I turned my head in the direction of the voice and I realized it was Alexa,Jeremy's new girlfriend.
    Jeremy winked at me and mouthed a: see you in school tomorrow before linking his hand together with hers.
   "I've been looking all around for you!" She whined,resting her head on his shoulder.
   "I know Alexa. I'm really hard to find".
    I eyed him playfully when i heard this. I had to admit that Alexa was very lucky to have him.
    On the other hand,i had no one. Just me,myself and I.
    Alexa's eye rested on me,making me feel like an intruder.
   "Who's she?"
   "She's Amanda Hathaway,my beat friend".
   "Oh!"Alexa breathed,waving her hand in front of her face." For a moment i thought she was your girlfriend".
     Jeremy laughed it off awkwardly and i knew it was time to give them some personal space.
    "Uhm,i gotta go now so bye Jeremy and don't forget to do your homework".I hollered,leaving them to their precious alone time together.
   " You know i will! "He hollered back.
    My house wasn't far away from the school so i preferred trekking rather than spending my money on carfare. I hugged my jacket tightly,afraid i might freeze in the cold wind. Where was I anyway? The South pole?
    I needed coffee. I needed it really bad.
    I sighed in exasperation as i got to door porch and pressed the bell button. Finally,the door swung open,revealing my father taking off the woolen mitten he wore on both hands. He smiled when he saw me.
   "How was school dear?" He asked,shutting the door behind me.
    I took off my bag and tossed it on the fluffy black sofa."School was fine dad".
    He entered into the kitchen and i followed silently behind him. He had an apron on,with streaks of white lining his brown hair. I sniffed around the kitchen and licked my lips.
   "Ooh cookies, my favourite!" I cooed,rubbing my hands in excitement.
    He threw a bottle of water to me which i caught with great expertise.
    It was fun having a dad like mine. My mom took her work so seriously that i never got the chance to see her everyday,except early Mornings and Sundays. Well,I couldn't blame her for being such a workaholic since my dad was currently jobless. Yep! That was the painful truth. He had lost his job at a large company for about six months now.
   Dad,preferred to be called a "stay - at - home dad". It seemed less offensive than a "house - dad". I didn't want to sound negative but loosing his job made him create time to do all the things he had always wanted to do. Things like cleaning up the store, baking,going to the gym with friends and attending PTA meetings at school.
   "It seems like there's gonna be a heavy downpour". Dad confirmed, placing the cookies on a small tray.
    The curtains swayed sideways and the window shutters closed loudly by itself.
   "Yeah,i guess so".
    I took out a glass of milk and dunked my cookie in before taking a bite. Nothing tasted better than cookie and warm milk.
   Soon after,it was all gone - into my mouth,i guess. I realized i was still in my sweaty clothes as I looked down at myself. I retrieved my bag from the sofa and bounded up the stairs to my room.
    The windows rattled as i walked into the spacious room. It was just I'd left it,only cooler. I heard rain drops fall on the roof top at frequent intervals. Seemed like dad was right after all.
    I undressed and took a warm bath, then struggled into my shorts and white tank top. Of all the days it had to rain today. I hung my bathrobe on the rack and started fixing the room. I closed the open drawers,tucked the stool under the dressing table,laid my bed,arranged my reading table and finally vacuumed the room.
    Once again,i saved the day! It was now raining heavily outside my window. The curtains flew up like a ghoul and eventually came down. I could hear swooshing noises outside followed by the crashing of the rain over the aluminium roof top.
    I didn't know why but i found myself walking slowly towards the window as if being remote controlled. I felt like a girl in a horror movie. I drew the curtains apart and was greeted by a sharp blast of wind. Surprisingly,the window opposite mine was wide open and a figure stood,gazing into the rain.
    My breath hitched in my throat as the figure's dark turquoise eyes interlocked with mine.
     Someone. Kill. Me. Now!!


   Thanks for reading my first chapter of this book,it really means a lot to me. I'm still not sure if this chapter is too short or long,so i wrote my heart out.
    I didn't have the time to read through so pardon me if there are mistakes.
    If you have any suggestion please don't forget to let me know. Love you guys...seriously i do.
  Oooh!please vote,comment and follow. Thanks a bunch.

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