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Dedicated to delezeenat

      I've been trying to make up my mind but the both of them look so cute.The black looks pretty hot though and the white is so damn pretty. Well, what do you think?
       The moment I'd been dreading since I got to school was finally here. There was no avoiding it this time.
     Lunch break.
     From the corner of my eye,I caught sight of Jeremy breeze into the class,sporting a killer smile that performed its main objective: getting the attention of everyone,mostly girls. He had probably come to fetch me like he always did. Well,not this time!
     Before he could spot me, he stopped a few times to wave,smile or make small flirtatious talk with some of his fan girls.
     Without giving it much thought,I ducked behind my chair,feeling as rebellious as heck.
     No one had to tell me I looked really stupid right now. Weird glances were cast my way like I was the most senseless person to walk the planet Earth.
     For seconds there was no sign of Jeremy to my utmost delight. It seemed like my James Bond instinct had finally kicked in after all.
     Slowly,I stuck out my head a little above my chair only to find a gray pair of eyes staring right back at me with mock pity.
    "Well,well,well!" He sang out,clapping his hands like a detective. He kinda reminded me of Sherlock Holmes...only a dumber version.
     "What do I have here? A wandering little kid".
     I stood up meekly,bowing my head so that my riot of ebony curls tumbled in front of my face like a veil. It couldn't hurt to play the role of a naive little kid could it? I was oblivious to the fact that our little detective and rebellious little kid act was attracting attention from some fan girls and guys.
    "This is like the twentieth time you're doing this".Jeremy bellowed and shook his head.  
    "You leave me no choice". He continued, shutting his eyes  about to proclaim his final verdict. "Go to your room! And by room I mean the cafeteria".
     "Do I have to -"
    "Not one more word child".
     I heaved a sigh of defeat before slinging my bag over my shoulder and walking grudgingly out of class with Detective/Father Jeremy following silently behind me.
     When we were a good distance away from the prying eyes of our mates,we broke into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Our eyes grew misty with tears.
    "That was so damn hilarious, we should do it again some other time" I suggested, clutching my stomach to hold back laughter.
    "Do what some other time?" A familiar annoying soprano voice chirped in.
     For the love of Christ what was she doing here? She literally sucked the fun out of my system.
    "Oh,it's nothing". Jeremy replied vaguely,waving his hands in the air for better emphasis. His expression didn't seem like he was delighted to see her either. I was glad I wasn't the only one that felt that way.
     She snapped her head to face me and I was afraid it could fall off. "Are you alright?" She asked,feigning pity.
    "Uh - I guess so,why do you ask?"
    "Didn't you see the stuff they said about you on the flyer?" She asked unbelievingly, holding a hand to her chest. "I was so mad at myself because I couldn't do anything".
     I held the urge to roll my eyes. She should be given a Grammy award for best drama queen of the year. Damn her and her fake pity!
     "There's no need for that,I'm sure the person that did that is a coward for not having the guts to tell it to my face".
    "I second that!" Jeremy chirped in,making me aware of his presence. "Is it just me or is anyone aware that I'm really hungry?"
    "Oh,I'm sorry honey bunny!" Alexa cooed softly.
     Say what now? Since when did they start calling themselves pet names? Gosh!so disgusting.
    "Let's go to the cafeteria then". She turned to me. "Do you wanna come with?"
     I was about to say no when Jeremy spoke up for me.
    "Yeah she does. Hop along Amanda".
     If Jeremy had taken time to study her expression, he would have noticed that going with them to the cafeteria wasn't safe for me as long as Alexa was present there.
     The cafeteria was buzzing with students when we got there. I tried to ask myself why I was even here in the first place when I could be somewhere else,like the library for instance,or the school clinic helping Mrs Williams or better still in the garden listening to music.
     Immediately we got to the queue of students waiting to be served,everyone in line paved the way for us to pass and I knew why. The School's Sweetheart couple and the third wheel, me,deserved some respect at least.
     It didn't take long before we got our food and the queue began again. Being important could come in handy at times.
    I was sure Alexa read the look on my face as we walked towards the rows of tables and chairs.
    "Don't look so surprised Amanda. Once you stay with me for a while,you'll get used to it". She whispered with a wink.
     As was the normal high school setting,people sat according to ranks. There was "the punk kids" table for the guys who were known for rock and roll music,there was the "dudes in black" table for the guys who loved wearing black everyday,  there was the "popular" table which consisted of cheer leaders,their lucky boyfriends, the captain of the basketball varsity team,kids who had rich and influential parents,Alexa and now Jeremy.
    On a daily basis, they had tried to get Marcus to join their league but he preferred to be a lone ranger.
    "Try not to get intimidated by my friends. They're only human". Alexa mumbled to me with a sly smile. I didn't know whether to feel insulted or otherwise.
     Jeremy winked at me reassuringly and I replied with a faint nod. I couldn't ignore the scowls of some of them when we got to the table and sat.
    "What's she doing here?" One of the girls asked,glaring at me.
    "Excuse me,she has a name - and that's Amanda". Jeremy bellowed,stunning everyone at the table. "Let's all have a quiet meal...please!"
    The girl was about to open her mouth to counteract him but Alexa's eyes stopped her. She was the boss around here after all  and her boyfriend was in question.
     It was actually disheartening that he had to go through all the stress of sticking up for me while I kept shut. I busied myself with cutting my food into small chunks as they talked about "junk and stuff" like the sleepovers they had attended,the previous birthday party they threw, how their cheer leading audition had gone,the basketball tournament coming up next two weeks and shit like that.
     I wasn't actually planning on eating my food,it wasn't fit for human consumption.
    "Are you gonna eat that?" A guy at the table asked me. I shook my head and pushed the plate over to him. "Thanks. I'm Mike by the way".
    I simply nodded and watched him empty my plate without hesitation. My mom would be pleased if I could eat half as fast as he did.No question was directed at me and I was thankful for that.
     "Don't you think I'll look prettier in a white polka dotted black gown than in a white checkered Gucci jacket and black pencil skirt?" Alexa asked me with eager eyes. It seemed like everyone at the table was waiting for my answer.
    Way to go Alexa. Just when I thought I could go through lunch break at the table without talking to anyone.
    "The checkered Gucci jacket and pencil skirt would look more classy on you,especially when most girls would probably have a polka dotted gown on". I reasoned, not noticing that I was making sense out of it.
    "That's true Alexa". The girl who had attacked me added. "She has a point".
     They carried on with their discussion till the break was over. It was nice to finally breathe in fresh air. My head was banging seriously, thanks to Alexa and her minions. All I could think of was going home to the comfort of my sweet bed.
     It looked like minutes when school closed. Our History teacher was absent as usual and I slept halfway through Spanish class. Grudgingly,I walked to my locker to take some books out for studying in the night. Jeremy was nowhere in sight,probably preoccupied with Alexa, so I left without bothering to go hunting for him.
     The weather was friendly enough for me to take a stroll to my house.The street was almost entirely deserted,making me walk even faster. It was then I heard footsteps behind me and realized I was being followed.

     *Exhales loudly with a fulfilled smile* At last I succeeded in completing this chapter. If you're reading this right now, I'm highly flattered and if there are any mistakes,pardon moi. Please do not give up on this story or be a silent reader. If you have any question or suggestion, the comment section is available. Uhm,chapter four is coming up soon and I promise you it's gonna be better than the rest. Thanks for reading this and stay tuned for more...I gotta go now,the bogey man's coming!

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