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     Dedicated to itsnia99
      "GAAAHHH?! What have I done?! What the hell am I thinking?" I said to myself in a monotone, mumbling a string of curses as I continually hit my head on my locker, half hoping I could knock some sense into it.
       No,no,no!! This couldn't be happening. My social was so screwed. That's if I even had any but still - you get my point.
      My next class was P.E and I was more than relieved knowing it was one of the few classes I had with Jeremy. Speaking of Jeremy, how was I supposed to tell him I had kissed Marcus when it was clearly evident he didn't approve of him in anyway? Why was I even thinking about it? It wasn't like he was my mom or was gonna spank me.
       My little spur of the moment kiss with Marcus kinda attracted some unnecessary attention. Why wouldn't it? He was Mr Perfect after all. His fan girls asked me stupid questions like how his lips felt and if they actually tasted like strawberry: how they'd imagined. Talk about disgusting. Wasn't it illegal to be this addicted to a guy that didn't even know if you existed or not?
        It was pretty hard for me to escape the questions they threw at me simultaneously. They talked like machines. Probably because they were used to gossiping as their hobby. Thoughts of Marcus faded immediately I sighted Jeremy in the gym on one of the bleacher seats, busying himself with checking out some girls dressed in too tight uniforms.
     "You like what you're seeing right?" I chirped in,sliding on the empty seat beside him.
      He didn't seem surprised that I just popped out of nowhere. "Not really. I'm just wondering why they would want to suffocate themselves just to get noticed".
     "Glad you feel that way too". I slurred in distaste and cocked an eyebrow when one of them bent low, wriggling her waist intentionally in the process, thereby revealing her - let me just admit...creamy thighs to tie an invisible shoelace. Geez, she obviously knew he'd be watching.
       Desperate that much?!
     "Jeremy there's something I need to tell you". I blurted out almost immediately, trying to get back his attention. What did I want to tell him again?
      He turned to face me,concern evident in his grey eyes. Aw,he cared like that. "What happened?"
      "Acually,Uhm -"
       As if on cue the sound of a whistle echoed through the walls of the gym signifying the presence of Mr Chad our P.E teacher. Other students sitting in the bleachers jogged down to the hard floor board where he stood with the clip board containing the names of students in his class, safely tucked under his armpit.
      "Tell me later okay?"
       Mr Chad was in his late thirties yet he still looked younger than his age. He was one of the few handsome male teachers left in our school. I was starting to figure out why most girls were willing to take part in P.E class. As for me,I felt it was the perfect bonding time I could get with Jeremy.
       The girls around were busy twirling their hair about and complimenting his dressing. Ugh! Wasn't he too old for them or something? Pity he had his eyes on another,in person of Miss Morris,the Librarian.
       I'd always pictured librarians to be old depressed ladies,clad in oversize blouses and skirts fit for the 80's with their faces looking so tired and craggy, accompanied with a pair of grandma specs. Somehow, she proved all my theories wrong. She was the exact opposite of what I'd had in mind. Little wonder why lots of students especially guys always visited the library.
       Although Mr Chad never said anything about having his eyes on her, I'd caught him several times checking her out when he pretended to patrol round the library to "check on we students". Pfft! Like any teacher would want to actually take the burden of doing just that.
       It was kinda creepy how I knew about people's life. Well,what could I say, spying on people was in my genes.
      "Amanda Hathaway!" Mr Chad snapped waking up from my day dream. I walked towards where some other students stood and waited till he was done. He divided the twelve of us into six pairs on each side of the long rope. I was the leader at my side of the rope while Jeremy was the leader on he other end. I guessed it was battle of the two friends rather than tug of war.
      "On the count of three". Mr Chad yelled. " One,two,three".. The whistle echoed round the gym and the battle began. My lips formed a straight thin line as I tried to tug the rope to my side,hoping Jeremy's team would pass the line. Ugh! I hated tug of war like crazy.
       My legs slipped gradually towards the middle line as his team tugged at the rope with their whole power. It felt like I was the only one dragging the rope. What kind of team mates did I have anyway? I wondered, sparing them a brief glance.
       What the heck! I mentally face palmed when I realized we were only three holding on to the rope. The other three were sprawled on the floorboard,panting like the idiots idiots they were and the remaining two seemed like they could use a bag of oxygen. Just a couple of geeky geeks.
       Jeremy's team gave the rope a final tug that that sent us bumping into their own territory, past the middle line. Mr Chad blew his whistle dismissively, after announcing Jeremy's team as the winner.
       Jeremy groaned under me.
      "Oh my goodness!" I muttered,rolling away from him. "I didn't know I was on you".
       He stared at the ceiling,still panting. "Stop making me get other ideas into my head".
       I jabbed him playfully on his shoulders. I'd always known him to be a player but he never carried out stunts on me or even bothered to.
       I sat upright and helped him sit up too. His brown hair fell messily over his eyes,a bit damp with sweat.
      "What do you eat? You weigh as much as a sack of potatoes yet you're still as slim as a broomstick". He exaggerated.
       He chuckled to himself. "Lucky for you that's what I like".
       That earned him another jab on his shoulder again. He was really pushing his luck.
      "By the way how are you coping with that Marcus dude?" He asked after a while. I'd told him about a week ago that Marcus was my next-door neighbour. Although he made such a big fuss about it, stating that I  should be careful and call his speed dial if he tried to throw any stunt on me, he was learning to deal with it.
       I half shrugged, remembering that I'd kissed him in front of the class.
      "That look..." He drawled, regarding me closely. "Did something happen that I don't know of?"
      "Uhm....that's what I wanted to tell you before". I paused. "I- kinda kissed Marcus".
       Jeremy's face drained of colour. Of course I expected a surprised expression and all but he seemed like he wanted to punch something. The last time this had happened, was when his trouser ripped,exposing his Mickey mouse boxers during his fresh man year. Now he was in senior high school and the probability of that happening again was zero to never.
       "You kissed Marcus?" 
      "Kind of. It was part of a play and also to get back at him". I explained not knowing why he looked this concerned.
      "Is anything wrong?"
      "No,I'm just tired that's all".   He stood up and plastered a smile on his face. "See you around".
       I watched his retreating figure leave the gym,trying to process what happened. Well that went well. Note the sarcasm. Was he against kissing now all of a sudden because of Alexa?
       My next class before lunch break was French. Luckily, I didn't have it with either Marcus or Jeremy so I had my thoughts to myself. The teacher,Mrs Alonso, had her head buried in a  book displaying the picture of a couple at the beach by the cover. Not reading this time, but fast asleep, with her glasses tilted comically on her face.
        Immediately it was time for lunch break, I went to check on Jeremy in his class but there was no sign of him. Where could he have gone to? Maybe he just needed some alone time to think over the breakup if that's what it was actually. More like dumping. Now I had to go to the cafeteria alone....alone. Why did it sound like it was a bad idea?
       My goodness, what was with the faces? I wondered, striding carefully and watching my steps so as not to bump into anyone or trip over anything. Everyone was looking at me and by everyone, I meant everyone.
       I was about to turn into a deserted corner of the cafeteria when I accidentally bumped into someone and staggered back, loosing my balance. Gracefully, I was embraced from behind before I could come crashing to the floor. Phew,close one.
      "Careful chicken". A familiar voice whispered behind my ear, causing the hairs on my neck stand end. I spun my head sideways to be sure he was the one not just a pigment of my imagination. His hair grazed my face causing a ticklish sensation right to my toes.
       There was a hushed silence in the cafeteria and I gulped, noticing that Marcus still had his arms around me and that we were in the centre of the cafeteria. So much for being unnoticed! He obviously didn't care about the stares or low mumblings of the others.
      "You can release me now". I whispered to him, feeling uncomfortable. His chest heaved slowly as I leaned on him, realizing how steady his heart beat was, unlike mine which was skyrocketing. I'd never been held this close by any guy so yeah, it was normal.
      "I'm okay this way chicken". He whispered back, his minty breath toying with the lobe of my ear. I couldn't see much of his face but I was pretty sure he had a smirk on.
       I tried to wriggle free out of his grip but that only made him tighten it. "This is no longer funny Marcus".
      "Sure it's not. It's not a joke". He drawled ever so casually that it made me want to throw up in my mouth. Acting cheesy was so unlike him.
        I couldn't think straight anymore. Cafeteria. Me. Mr Perfect. His arms around me.
       Just as I sighted Alexa at the populars table fuming like smoke was about bursting out through her ears and nose, Marcus gripped my wrist and dragged me outside.
       Someone just tell me this was all a bad dream. Shucks! My school life was officially in the dumpster...forever tainted by Mr Perfect.

A/N: OMFG!!!! I can't believe it. You guys are the best. In the previous chapter I wrote my goals which were to have 1k reads, 50 votes and about 10 comments. I'm so happy because I achieved all of them and even more.

Please I need to know what you guys think of the book so don't forget to comment about anything whatsoever...I can improve for ya and if you're up to it, you can just push that little star below. It would really mean a lot to me.

Lots of love, kisses, hugs, pizza, ice cream and anything you prefer.

P.S: Love ya!!



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