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     What the hell! What the freaking hell!
     The heavy downpour kept on roaring outside but that was the least of my worries. I had bigger problems and my mind couldn't bring myself to accept the hard fact.
     Mop of dirty brown hair, sharp boned sculpted face, cherry pink unsmiling lips and taunting dark turquoise eyes...these descriptions could only fit none other than Marcus Ross.
     Quick question,what was he doing there?Could it be that the school's popular Mr Perfect was my next door neighbour and I never knew till now?
     I had to be hallucinating. On a second thought, I looked in the direction of the window just to be sure but as suspected,he was nowhere in sight and the window had been firmly shut.
     As if on cue, there was a flash of lightning, followed by a harsh clap of thunder and a bright white ray of light from the sky.
     Everything looked so comical like I was in some kind of paranormal movie or so. The cold breeze washed through my body,making me shiver. My tank top did nothing to shield me from the cold.I gave one last longing look at the window before closing the shutters and drawing the curtains together.
     All I needed right now was to curl up in my warm cozy bed and forget that I ever thought I saw him. The rain continued crashing on the aluminum roof as I dove under the covers.
     If it was one thing I knew could lure me to sleep,it was a slow emotional song. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and selected Little Things by One Direction. My eyes drooped slowly till I slept off.

     "Love you mom!"I hollered, watching the car leave the school premises.                         Mornings were the busiest of hours and probably the only moment I had to spend time with my mom, in the car of course.
     Taking a deep breath, I looked at the building which stood out amongst others like a haunted mansion with short stairs leading to the interior.
     It was just another day. All I had to do was endure the stress of school and try to isolate myself from others. Having them hate me because my best friend was super adorable was enough reason to steer clear from them. Opening my mouth to announce to the whole school that I thought I saw Marcus by the window opposite mine was simply gonna cause the Third World War.
     I was caught off - guard when I heard some people murmuring about me. What must have gone wrong now?
    "Excuse me, please can I see that?" I asked politely, referring to the flyer they were holding. Without hesitation,one of them gave me with a pitiful face and walked away.
     My eyes widened as I read the words written in bold letters over and over again.
     What? Were these guys actually serious? How the fudge did they even know of Jeremy and Alexa's union? It was no news that they considered me a pest to him.
    "You should stop reading this".Jeremy bellowed behind me."It's not true. People say what they want".
     I quickly spun around to face him, crumpling the flyer in my hand.
    "I know it's not true Jeremy".I assured him with my most convincing voice - or so I thought. "I'm just mad at myself!"
     He looked at me quizzically,like I had grown a second head out of nowhere.
    "Uhm,so now I'm confused. Why would you be?I'm the one meant to be mad at myself for making you appear like the third wheel in my life".
     Once again,i was painfully aware of the fact that we were the centre of attention. Their piercing gazes were sharp enough to slice through granite, I assure you. I needed no dark magic or sorceress to make it clear to me that they all wanted me dead.
     Jeremy held my hand,shooting me a warm smile. Not the signature flirtatious smile but the sincere friendly smile.
    "You'll always be my best friend and anyone who has objections could jump in front of a train for all i care".
    "Even Alexa?" I couldn't help asking. Don't blame me,it was mere curiosity.
     "Even her".
     As fairy tales go, we ended up in a big hug and lived happily ever after....till the wicked princess arrived....otherwise known as Alexa.
    "Am i interrupting something?" She asked,although she didn't seem like she was going to go even if she was. For the love of God,what was with her new found interest in Jeremy?
     "I gotta go for history class". I announced. Jeremy frowned a little bit.
    "Who cares about what happened in the past even before my great grand parents were born? That's just a waste of time". He stressed, exaggerating the "waste"."There's a reason it's called history".
     " There's a lot more to it than you think". Alexa chirped in wistfully. Trust her to stick up for me when it comes to getting rid of my presence. Classic move.
     Jeremy shrugged his shoulders. "If you say so. Have fun!"
      I heaved a sigh of relief as I walked away from them.
     A folded piece of paper fell out of my locker immediately i opened it. Curiously, i picked it up and read.

     Not again!What were they up to anyway? Rolling my eyes,I crumpled and threw it into the nearest waste bin. Since when was having a cute guy as a friend a crime? I glanced behind me,watching Alexa toy with Jeremy's messy brown hair. An amused smile was visible on his face. If she could light him up like that then i guessed it was no big deal.
     On the other hand,i reminded myself that i would always be alone. Just me,myself and I.
    "Stupid locker!" I muttered under my breath.
    "Stupid self! Stupid school!" I cursed,walking through the hallways absent mindedly.
    "Stupid lectures!" I continued cursing,angry at myself and everyone.
    "Stupid -" Just as I was about to go on with my cursing marathon, I was interrupted by my own squeals.
     I raised my eyes,only to find a pair of dark turquoise eyes staring back at me with the same surprise i felt. His eyes seemed unblinking as his body went hard - rock still.
    "You bumped into me". I mused,massaging my shoulder.
     He angled his head sideways, regarding me closely.
    "I can pretty much remember it the other way round".
     Here i was, a few steps away from class,arguing with Marcus Ross about a silly issue that anyone could by - pass. He wasn't about to enter class either. I figured he might actually be telling the truth because i couldn't even remember who hit who. On a second thought,why would he want to lie about something like that?
    "If you're saying the truth,I'm sorry".
    "And if I'm not?"
    "Then you owe me an apology".
     He rolled his eyes and let out a tired sigh."Talking to you is hopeless!" With that,he walked past me.
      I watched his retreating figure. Oh,what a gentleman he was,i thought sarcastically.
      On the bright side,this was the first time he talked to me since forever. It didn't really make me have butterflies in my stomach or go red but made me feel like I wasn't completely isolated from everyone at school.
     I washed off the thoughts running through my mind with a quick half shrug and walked to class. Marcus sat two chairs away from mine. He didn't even bother to spare me a single glance when I walked past him and sat down. Not that i expected him to.
     As was the usual,he took out his "secret book" with a pen and started writing something in it. Only if i could just get a glimpse of what he was doing in the book.
     His head straightened and he turned around to face me. Before he could actually meet my gaze, I focused my eyes on something else. His gaze lingered on me for a while before he returned to writing. I exhaled loudly. I hadn't realized i was holding my breath till now.
      There was definitely something weird about this guy and it wasn't just the fact that he looked sinfully hot in his all black outfit.


     Hope you enjoyed this chapter of FMP. Thanks for reading and i sincerely hope you continue reading. I'm dying to know what you guys think of my book. Suggestions and feedbacks are always welcome...Thanks for your support. Please vote,follow and write down any comment whatsoever. Bye Munchkins.


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