Night 1

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Your POV

"Hey Guys! Its (YouTube name)! And Sister Location just came out a few days ago! And so far this little scene has already filled me with theories." You say as you started up the game. You filled with excitement as you were nearly seconds from clicking "new game". You clicked start and immediately the screen went black. " What the fuck? Is this some sort of a joke?" You shout. "I guess no video then" you say as you turn off your camera. You groan. "Damn it, I was so close to seeing the game." Suddenly a white set of words appear on your screen saying "Do you wish to continue onto the game?" You sat there confused staring at the screen. What if it was a trick? Some stupid bug? Well, you had nothing to lose so you clicked yes. The screen flashed white and you slowly blacked out.

The one and only: TimeSkip!
You slowly open your eyelids to find yourself in an elevator. Looking around, you see posters with human like animatronics. One being a blue graceful ballerina and another being a male that looked like he came from the circus. You rubbed your head from the aching pain as you got up from the ground. "What the he-" you were cut off by an annoying robotic male voice. "Welcome to the first day of your exciting new career. Whether you were approached at a job fair, read our ad in Screws, Bolts and Hairpins, or if this is the result of a dare, we welcome you. I will be your personal guide to help you get started. I'm a model 5 of the Handyman's Robotics and Unit-Repair System, but you can call me Hand-Unit. Your new career promises challenge, intrigue and endless janitorial opportunities. Please enter your name as seen above the keypad. This cannot be changed later so please be careful" . You jumped back to see a low budget yellow device with a glitchy keyboard. "Um, am i supposed to put mike?" you questioned as you tried to type on the keyboard. "It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. One moment. Welcome, Eggs Benedict". You roll you eyes. Seriously, they couldn't afford a new and improved hand-unit? you thought as the elevator came to a stop. "You can now open the elevator using that bright, red and obvious button. Let's get to work!". You opened the elevator and crawled through the vents. You gazed around the room to see 3 heads, a circus baby tambourine, and a strange clown mask. "You are now in the Primary Control Module. View the window to your left. This is the Ballora Gallery Party Room and Dance Studio, encouraging kids to get fit and enjoy pizza." "What's the point of getting fit if you just gonna eat pizza?" You internally cringed at how dumb this resturaunt was"Let's turn on the light and see if Ballora is on stage. Press the blue button on the elevated keypad to your left." You turned on the light to see no Ballora. "Um...Ballora please get on your stage" You whispered knowing how stupid it was to try to talk to an animatronic. "Uh-oh, it looks like Ballora doesn't feel like dancing. Let's give her some motivation. Press the red button now to administer a controlled shock. Maybe that will put a spring back in her step." "A controlled shock?, Oh gosh don't tell me this is gonna be some 50 shades of grey shit" you said as you hesitated to press the button. "Can't they find another way to resolve these situations?" You finally got the balls to push the button. A loud crackling noise came from within Ballora's gallery. You check the light again to see a blue ballerina dancing with miniature ballerinas. "Excellent. Ballora is feeling like her old self again and will be ready to perform again tomorrow. Now, view the window to your right. This is the Funtime Auditorium, where Funtime Foxy encourages kids to play and share. Try the light, let's see what Funtime Foxy is up to." You check the light to see no Funtime foxy and cringe at the thought of shocking him. "C'mon Funtime Foxy you know where your supposed to be." You shock the poor animatronic and check the light to see once again no Funtime Foxy. "Please Foxy,.....for me" you whisper the last part and check the light and surprisingly see Funtime Foxy preforming on his stage. "Looks like Funtime Foxy is in perfect working order, great job! In front of you is another vent shaft. Crawl through it to reach the Circus Gallery Control Module." As you approached the vent you could sense someone's eyes on you. And your senses were right. You turned around to see Funtime Foxy starring at you. Your (e/c) eyes meet his gold ones for a split second and then he looks away. It was just a coincidence, you thought as you crawled to the next room. You felt your cheeks burn as your face flushed a bright red. Why am I blushing? Something like this should not effect me, but then again you've never been looked at that for long. "On the other side of the glass is Circus Baby's Auditorium. Let's check the light, and see what Baby is up to." You press the button to see nothing but an empty space. "Looks like a few of the lights are out, but we can fix that later. Let's encourage Baby to cheer up with a controlled shock." You continue to  do as the instructor tells you, cringing every time you used the controlled shock. 

The amazing: TimeSkip! 2

You entered your (house/apartment) and throw yourself on the couch with a sigh of relief. you start to think about the animatronics. "How dreamy......WAIT WHAT? I can't believe i just said that". You turned on the tv and start to eat your popcorn. A drama about a vampire and his human wife. If they can be together maybe me and the animatron-- you slapped your face and shook your head left to right at your thoughts. Now that you think about those animatronics are familiar. Wait! The sister location trailer, thats where you saw them! you thought to yourself. You go to sleep hoping to wake back up in the real world.

Authors Notes:

Hey this is my first fanfic and i would really love it if you share this with others who might like this. Sorry for the horrible first chapter 😝, but trust me the other chapters will be better 😄. Im thinking of doing different routes for each character or putting it all into one story. 

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