Night 5: Bad Ending

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You woke up on your couch, popcorn spilt all over the floor and tv still buzzing from the bad reception. Your head was pounding and neck was aching from the position you were sleeping. "Ugghh....Fml" Slowly rising you started getting ready for your last shift of the week. Thats when it hit you. "Why the fuck am i still working here?". Multiple questions hit you but you pushed them aside slowly getting in the car and starting the engine. You played (favorite song) and sang along to lift your mood. 

TimeSkip brought 2 u by Chica 🐤🍕

"Welcome back to your last day on the job. That is, the last day of your first week! some of the most valued qualities that we like to see in new employees are determination, fearlessness and a genuine disregard for instinctive self-preservation. you've earned your one-week bonus which will be given to you in the form of a delightful gift basket, the cost of which will be taken out of your next paycheck." You rolled your eyes. "Of coarse, broke ass company". "We've gift-baskets containing fruit, nuts, flowers and of course the ever-popular cash-basket. Using the keypad below, please enter the first few letters of the gift basket you would like to receive." At this point you didn't really even care so you slammed your had on the keypad as you continued to block out the voice that constantly continues to annoy you. Who wants to go to work to this? "It seems you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. Thank you for selecting: Exotic Butters. Please be aware that there are still two technicians on-site today. Try to avoid interfering with their work if possible. Also, feel free to ask them why they are still there, and encourage them to go home". "You know that doesn't sound half bad, maybe spread some on my popcorn, wait......they didn't go home? But, i'm positive that they finished before I left? Where did they go?". 


"Let's check on Ballora, and make sure she's on her stage." To say you were frightened was an understatement. You jumped back and fell from the sight. Tears welled up in you eyes as the image of someone hung died down with light. "Great. Now let's check on Funtime Foxy." You hesitated. Again. "Who would do this" you whispered. Your body ran cold and sweat dripped from your forehead. You feared death in this game but never actually believed it would happen. It scared you because now you felt more serious about the situation of dying. "Great! It looks like everything is as it should be in Funtime Auditorium. Your task today will involve more maintenance work. Circus Baby had a rough day, and is in need of repair. You will be required to reach the parts and service room by once again sneaking through Funtime Auditorium. As always, please proceed with caution." Slowly crawling through Funtime Auditorium you realized there was no sign of Foxy. Just dead silence. "Foxy?" you whispered as you stood and walked foward. " there?". You heard something run behind you. Flashing the beacon behind you and running foward you feel something squeeze you tight. "Hello lass". You look up to see Funtime Foxy. He looked different. He still wore the same exact outfit but he was a bit faded. Kind like ghost in the back round of a film. Was it the lighting? You stared blankly at him in thought. "You look wonderful today, although id love to stay and chat but i must go....i'm sorry" he said looking down at me with sorrow. "What are you so--" i was interrupted by cold yet soft pair of lips. It felt good but i remembered where i was so i pushed against his chest but he wouldn't let me go. I needed to breath. "Your gonna be the one to save us" he said dropping me and walking away but not before looking back and giving my a sorrowful look then disappeared. Save them? What does he mean?


"Great job reaching parts and service! Circus baby has been deactivated for an unknown reason. It is your job to ensure she is structurally stable and secured to the conveyor. Our technicians will take it from the-""Can you hear me? I'm pretending. Remember how I said I could pretend?The cameras are watching. I must be careful not to move. Something bad happened yesterday. Something bad always happens. I don't want it to happen again. There is something bad, inside of me. I'm broken. I can't be fixed. I'm going to be taken to The Scooping Room soon, but it's not going to fix what's wrong with me. What is bad is always left behind. Will you help me? I want you to save what is good, so the rest can be destroyed and never recovered. But you must be careful. Ballora is here; in the room with us. Ballora will not return to her stage. Ballora will not return to her body. You must be careful. You must remain calm, and listen to my voice. There is a button on my cheek. You must find it, and press it." You came close up to Baby and gently pressed the button on her left cheek. You were nervous and shaky but you had to calm down, for Baby. "There is a passcode that you must enter before you can retrieve me. Enter the code carefully.". As you entered the code you could see wires hanging out from behind Baby's Animatronic form. "Now you must turn back. I will guide you through Funtime Auditorium so you can reach The Scooping Room. When you are there, I want you to destroy this body. Put the card into your hand-held device, and I can continue to speak to you. Now, press the green button to your left. This will send me to The Scooping Room.". Thats when you saw it. As Baby's Body moved to the left you saw a body of wires staring back at you. It fucking terrified the shit out of you. Bright Blue eyes looking straight at you, it reminded you of someone, you couldn't put your finger on it though. 

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